Friday, December 06, 2002

They can't see why they are hated

Squibb Company.

Dalai Lama letter, found during a physical examination, is apparently a hoax.

My garden hose breeds endless generations of mid-sized Europeans.

News please.

I'm not alone in tying the drug war to a serious FLOOD OF DEATH.

However, tablets encompass the entire scope of antifungal agents.

Investor window.

Watching your brother on "Tales of the Highway Patrol."

That's mighty singing you're requesting.

The surveillance camera is the single best source of information regarding you and your health.

Old words, good words.

This is a stick up!

She has beauty, brains and a stalker for a metaglip.

Steroid usage in the latest stock information.

The looper of these pulses, its divisions or subsidiaries.

This is what Mother handed down to us - techno-poetry.

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