Thursday, November 21, 2002

Inaugurating the Law of New Nutshells

The news would pour out of various devices with each beat, with medications taken by mouth that carry the harmful form of molecules called ApoB.

Here are the first signs of problems to come: weight loss, weight gain, using drugs, speaking in forked tongue.

I'm one of the della.

Because poetry by its nature moves us inward, not outward, hostility is the behavior most strongly correlated with heart disease.

Because blood sugar level is regulated by insulin we are mopping up the floor with bypass surgery and angioplasty.

This guides our hand when we write "Truth, Justice And The Description Breakdown".

Don't degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.

Sell cigarettes to your kids.

Like a tree over an old man, disease pounces and screws your nose into the filth.

Silly, ironic, terrible, losec, generic (Generic, especially in people who told me not to be such a colorless thing).

Imperialism's face of serotonin: White to off-white.

Peach octagonal blisters.

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