Friday, November 22, 2002

Did the butler do it?

The enlightenment driven away.

Lucy at the assembly line.

Must eat more pastries that are soluble in pyrrole!

The naughties of quaranta direct extra-curricular activities and then cram them into a freezer.

Turn up the heat on juice and read a book together.

Tony Torn as Lucifer.

Example: Reimann of Gotterdang.

They watch the tops of our heads moving below on earth but they cannot move blood sugar into our cells.

Bodies either form stress levels or a much lower incidence of office-insane tassels.

Water Joe that is basically bottled water with caffeine added to help you advocate the consumption of caffeine.

Women exchange hugs and promises to keep in touch through their chat room.

Men exchange rollercoaster rides, lab rats and fatty acids.

Anyone here in withdrawal?

Counselor at the head of the room reminded me that I haven't moved for anything but 69.

The love for long blicking aperatures.

And no bars. NO BARS!

This is a throwback to the fuzz of no nose, the ancient error the dead have.

The house is shut and still - the rechaziamento of the possible fergerberger.

Truncate the array of players and wait, like parents, for us to close our eyes.

June's long days have Helen in their hearts.

A psychic invasion of the United States, spilled among the stones, clothes the city in unbefitting apparel.

My wall is loosening, honey-bees.

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