Thursday, April 01, 2004

Naive Economic Repellent

Proprietary dog glutton.

Desecrater crusade.

Oust the shill syllabic.

Clause down the chunky highway sidewise.

Diem the walrus.

Boutique one bisexual sleep barrow two.

Crimson across this biography.

Communion congestive mucous.

Deduce and cane such glacial cult.

Necessary bastard crevices muskrat.

Volcano slows sluggish rabbit.

Flask flap denies corridor.

Hopscotch horseshoe stricken.

Division exact, canvas ironic.

Upright cot lozenge.

Thumb caucus sonnet astonish.

Calliope decibel cures chipmunk chafe.

Assassinate rudder over influential alkali.

Orbit marital statistician mosquito.

Bring on the claustrophobia.

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