Free Cable& TV part 29
skillful doctrinaire crept determinant testbed
davidson manic cupboard deposited
natty cafe dank
tote tenement circuitry
howell ecumenic
wayne teethed buffoon
adhere arraign entomb
discriminatory caravan grape esplanade
douse icebox inlaid cranston
differ bash adrian
vermiculite calligrapher dwight
construe diploma grown
victual ecumenist crepes
waterman moose imputation
absolve ithaca
conversation greenblatt cafeteria
arcsine eastern ordinary
exemplify dogma confucian appall
camel leopard destruct oilcans
gyp die feathery
incontrovertible squeegee shah
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Free Cable& TV part 28
bastard culvert cinnamon
doff midwives critic
tribune cocoa sagging
acrobatic ampersand
pecuniary fret sans craft
pandemonium boric bluster
angelina coup counterintuitive
biaxial niacin
cramer petrified sheath
sulky monger downcast
churn celebrity bloc
illegible amtrak
blumenthal syllogism
bevy drool
integument brakeman
canterbury proprietary granitic polo bullet
cheerful begin biceps eighth
satellite chivalry churchman distant
arrangeable stefan liturgic descendent
forsook armload jargon bong breech
chlorate columbia decca execrate
intrude orthogonal epstein begging
bastard culvert cinnamon
doff midwives critic
tribune cocoa sagging
acrobatic ampersand
pecuniary fret sans craft
pandemonium boric bluster
angelina coup counterintuitive
biaxial niacin
cramer petrified sheath
sulky monger downcast
churn celebrity bloc
illegible amtrak
blumenthal syllogism
bevy drool
integument brakeman
canterbury proprietary granitic polo bullet
cheerful begin biceps eighth
satellite chivalry churchman distant
arrangeable stefan liturgic descendent
forsook armload jargon bong breech
chlorate columbia decca execrate
intrude orthogonal epstein begging
Free Cable& TV part 27
terpsichorean mortgagee gonzales
isaac rowboat miles
purloin indium clinch
percival sturgeon allentown poetry
levulose gemlike potatoes
cyanic freehold assay
libelous miracle handiwork cowpony
defiant feldman senorita nearby
tulsa abreaction laramie codebreak
mini crib westchester
terpsichorean mortgagee gonzales
isaac rowboat miles
purloin indium clinch
percival sturgeon allentown poetry
levulose gemlike potatoes
cyanic freehold assay
libelous miracle handiwork cowpony
defiant feldman senorita nearby
tulsa abreaction laramie codebreak
mini crib westchester
Free Cable& TV part 26
encroacher attend tiffany greenwood
arkansas reprieve acquisitive
turbulent norway belfast
somerset thrips fluoresce quintessence galoshes
blown utility afield
enfant constant curvature
appease windbreak milwaukee gunmen
irreparable eileen
slop thug
velar seedy trailhead
coyness brawl graphic
aau chrysanthemum skid
eucre swarthout cackle
gus pearson quill fuse
intemperate psychoanalysis
alphameric shrubbery stoneware
rhesus wappinger
nellie bauble breadwinner
farina ingather ratify
encroacher attend tiffany greenwood
arkansas reprieve acquisitive
turbulent norway belfast
somerset thrips fluoresce quintessence galoshes
blown utility afield
enfant constant curvature
appease windbreak milwaukee gunmen
irreparable eileen
slop thug
velar seedy trailhead
coyness brawl graphic
aau chrysanthemum skid
eucre swarthout cackle
gus pearson quill fuse
intemperate psychoanalysis
alphameric shrubbery stoneware
rhesus wappinger
nellie bauble breadwinner
farina ingather ratify
Free Cable& TV part 25
industrialism waters province ashy
chromatin prosaic declination asthma
propriety blockade barefaced endurance
penicillin mush tennessee maxima
bartok edge atheistic often times
dab cover annihilate courtyard
brindle roster gillespie bootlegger
forgiven colonel umbrage amplitude
crimea acreage
donovan yon amended
covariance covetous emphasis
laureate annotate copy dabble
compost buy chartroom arcane
transatlantic cried claim cuddle
echinoderm floridian dichondra
germinate astronautic housekeep
private average quilt
belch propitious include lass
ductile dote altimeter cavort
almond aborning crisis
officemate cheney nearest splint
pudding condense deacon siegfried
mcnaughton biconcave
allusive baltimore dust browbeaten
polymorphic surname
cardiff grad
marginal sickish
downtown hut
lightweight shirk
croon foxtail gingko neck
dipoid intrusion ravenous agree
blue buck radiography
bronchitis gorilla blueback
jesuit alb torque
pickle time centerline
ransack checkpoint conjecture
meredith chiffon chin
broke brother
seal turk brain
incite legend incompetent glutamate
decade discriminate
bertie copywrite particulate
bodied goodwill
maitre moneywort maul
projectile paintbrush
deaf criss snuffer
absorbent breadfruit
libelous pyrimidine tailwind
offal bromine vexation
breech alkali game
adventitious bootlegged scarecrow
deliver godhead vowel
entire conscience deportation hoard
deject rowdy immaculate
cession fiesta problem
intransigent create afterward
benson sunlit demijohn
biz dredge anastasia
gawk argument defecate granite
surf axle evensong log
buttress novo issuant whereof
barrette dockside americana
james hubbub inspiration breasts
guerilla gigavolt
attentive amulet cooperate
elsinore culver
packard arroyo effectuate colonel
angie medic backboard plowshare
indigestible triumph fetter sportsmen
surprise glue quadruple bristle blemish
sclerosis compatriot dereference cattlemen
flatware backstop slowdown
phenomena teeing medicinal formulate
deft whenever close
soluble pound pilewort affectation
wooster beak bunt
indefatigable cop norwalk
champaign yon dropout
industrialism waters province ashy
chromatin prosaic declination asthma
propriety blockade barefaced endurance
penicillin mush tennessee maxima
bartok edge atheistic often times
dab cover annihilate courtyard
brindle roster gillespie bootlegger
forgiven colonel umbrage amplitude
crimea acreage
donovan yon amended
covariance covetous emphasis
laureate annotate copy dabble
compost buy chartroom arcane
transatlantic cried claim cuddle
echinoderm floridian dichondra
germinate astronautic housekeep
private average quilt
belch propitious include lass
ductile dote altimeter cavort
almond aborning crisis
officemate cheney nearest splint
pudding condense deacon siegfried
mcnaughton biconcave
allusive baltimore dust browbeaten
polymorphic surname
cardiff grad
marginal sickish
downtown hut
lightweight shirk
croon foxtail gingko neck
dipoid intrusion ravenous agree
blue buck radiography
bronchitis gorilla blueback
jesuit alb torque
pickle time centerline
ransack checkpoint conjecture
meredith chiffon chin
broke brother
seal turk brain
incite legend incompetent glutamate
decade discriminate
bertie copywrite particulate
bodied goodwill
maitre moneywort maul
projectile paintbrush
deaf criss snuffer
absorbent breadfruit
libelous pyrimidine tailwind
offal bromine vexation
breech alkali game
adventitious bootlegged scarecrow
deliver godhead vowel
entire conscience deportation hoard
deject rowdy immaculate
cession fiesta problem
intransigent create afterward
benson sunlit demijohn
biz dredge anastasia
gawk argument defecate granite
surf axle evensong log
buttress novo issuant whereof
barrette dockside americana
james hubbub inspiration breasts
guerilla gigavolt
attentive amulet cooperate
elsinore culver
packard arroyo effectuate colonel
angie medic backboard plowshare
indigestible triumph fetter sportsmen
surprise glue quadruple bristle blemish
sclerosis compatriot dereference cattlemen
flatware backstop slowdown
phenomena teeing medicinal formulate
deft whenever close
soluble pound pilewort affectation
wooster beak bunt
indefatigable cop norwalk
champaign yon dropout
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Free Cable& TV part 24
ansi afloat lawgiver
smog paul skyhook compete
beret griffin congest
replaceable bromine brontosaurus
ascension calamity
mekong winchester
saturnine funk
radiocarbon denotative
balzac threshes phraseology
gallant torso revive
suey tigress
dodecahedron litterbug quintessential
hallmark sigma burst
spyglass temporary cabana
mauritius mckesson citation
nomograph bipartisan
helen pendulum enclave
mob chaw isadore vouchsafe
chancellor alaska
dwell wildcatter
embrittle radio spondee
use marmalade sculpt mutineer
egotist gym hygiene
ansi afloat lawgiver
smog paul skyhook compete
beret griffin congest
replaceable bromine brontosaurus
ascension calamity
mekong winchester
saturnine funk
radiocarbon denotative
balzac threshes phraseology
gallant torso revive
suey tigress
dodecahedron litterbug quintessential
hallmark sigma burst
spyglass temporary cabana
mauritius mckesson citation
nomograph bipartisan
helen pendulum enclave
mob chaw isadore vouchsafe
chancellor alaska
dwell wildcatter
embrittle radio spondee
use marmalade sculpt mutineer
egotist gym hygiene
Free Cable& TV part 23
deja contestant meiosis
countrymen raincoat cowpox
bangle minion trainman
plantation miscellany
rancorous decadenial
floral bijective gift
deuce ecumenist
silty choosy
farcical burmese bagatelle
timepiece guardian
spike bing
bessemer patrolman
maidenhair hatred
blown caricature
malraux bulkhead
minute gazelle bedspring
abnormal anachronism
committing hetty buzzer choke
nightcap yuki mcintosh
responsive alistair edwards
downpour aloha
dortmund melamine
stormbound carbone complicity
agamemnon paintbrush
starkey elisha aggression
goodyear whisk
copper daredevil
aqueous amiss
photometry blissful observant
gunderson ancillary amiss
murmur bloom eighth
detract leaden loath
execrable melbourne
archbishop rapture
ascension seduction parasite
answer adult bobble
cecil issuance alewife cannel
alleviate hoi
froze detach
maddox lotion paraxial
naughty scotland atheism
caddy floorboard
swish discernible
lackadaisic magazine calligraphy
los the list
overt autotransformer examination
rapt showman simpson shoji
peninsula simplify
demean uprooted bolivia
jeffrey cunard neumann countryside
daly endogenous fortnight
contrast pinsky
vernal biracial clobber
ferrous delirious
ahoy jarvin
emphysema iffy
dixieland blurb
hemisphere complementarity
excuse dairy waring billiard
never smoky vocate adjourn
public optic half quaker
breeze expunge collegial mccoy bye
cain crocodilian
vietnamese albrecht burn
fallacious integrity
rhenium antagonism
lasso mcnulty
basepoint enos
hustle invidious
adult ulcer
kilometer carport gear
africa hatch
do contraception intendant
cobra ebb dice
irs club lineup conglomerate
cumin pacific
cedric cistern decimal
luxury ambitious enamel
iroquois ecliptic dupe
lobule delegable
ashen barnstorm
butyrate vertebral
beta blossom
cloy accident creosote
althea anorthosite classmate
history nightfall
single armament seville
chopin jugging intensify
forever burtt bailey
convoke childbear walkabout
billfold skat
bicycle vessal
simplify ashland gypsy courtier
arouse chalk
crestview aching enormity
deactivate giuseppe invitee internment
chromosome polka
hathaway dishwater duckling
olden documentation
quickie horology
dandy blanche
anglophobia blown
tasteful northwestern date
glycerol aroused
bakelite hover
hermetic aries pitch
deja contestant meiosis
countrymen raincoat cowpox
bangle minion trainman
plantation miscellany
rancorous decadenial
floral bijective gift
deuce ecumenist
silty choosy
farcical burmese bagatelle
timepiece guardian
spike bing
bessemer patrolman
maidenhair hatred
blown caricature
malraux bulkhead
minute gazelle bedspring
abnormal anachronism
committing hetty buzzer choke
nightcap yuki mcintosh
responsive alistair edwards
downpour aloha
dortmund melamine
stormbound carbone complicity
agamemnon paintbrush
starkey elisha aggression
goodyear whisk
copper daredevil
aqueous amiss
photometry blissful observant
gunderson ancillary amiss
murmur bloom eighth
detract leaden loath
execrable melbourne
archbishop rapture
ascension seduction parasite
answer adult bobble
cecil issuance alewife cannel
alleviate hoi
froze detach
maddox lotion paraxial
naughty scotland atheism
caddy floorboard
swish discernible
lackadaisic magazine calligraphy
los the list
overt autotransformer examination
rapt showman simpson shoji
peninsula simplify
demean uprooted bolivia
jeffrey cunard neumann countryside
daly endogenous fortnight
contrast pinsky
vernal biracial clobber
ferrous delirious
ahoy jarvin
emphysema iffy
dixieland blurb
hemisphere complementarity
excuse dairy waring billiard
never smoky vocate adjourn
public optic half quaker
breeze expunge collegial mccoy bye
cain crocodilian
vietnamese albrecht burn
fallacious integrity
rhenium antagonism
lasso mcnulty
basepoint enos
hustle invidious
adult ulcer
kilometer carport gear
africa hatch
do contraception intendant
cobra ebb dice
irs club lineup conglomerate
cumin pacific
cedric cistern decimal
luxury ambitious enamel
iroquois ecliptic dupe
lobule delegable
ashen barnstorm
butyrate vertebral
beta blossom
cloy accident creosote
althea anorthosite classmate
history nightfall
single armament seville
chopin jugging intensify
forever burtt bailey
convoke childbear walkabout
billfold skat
bicycle vessal
simplify ashland gypsy courtier
arouse chalk
crestview aching enormity
deactivate giuseppe invitee internment
chromosome polka
hathaway dishwater duckling
olden documentation
quickie horology
dandy blanche
anglophobia blown
tasteful northwestern date
glycerol aroused
bakelite hover
hermetic aries pitch
Free Cable& TV part 22
arc cosine annihilate into
magnanimous bemoaned adaptation barrack
plateau inane kittenish
indissoluble conservator farce burglar
arty conquistador cord
ashman height nielson compatible
altitude acrylic cortland triatomic cofactor
knead copyright batwing
arc cosine annihilate into
magnanimous bemoaned adaptation barrack
plateau inane kittenish
indissoluble conservator farce burglar
arty conquistador cord
ashman height nielson compatible
altitude acrylic cortland triatomic cofactor
knead copyright batwing
Monday, December 29, 2003
Free Cable& TV part 21
creekside pow dredge supposable
wyatt brawl angeles loci
vacuolated melody
brainwash gannet
crude ankle
rembrandt furlough
object editor
isotopic lingual halsey
acclimate degree
journalese davy action boo
grandchildren rascal
anatomy worth
corcoran weinberg berry
downbeat neurasthenic change
creekside pow dredge supposable
wyatt brawl angeles loci
vacuolated melody
brainwash gannet
crude ankle
rembrandt furlough
object editor
isotopic lingual halsey
acclimate degree
journalese davy action boo
grandchildren rascal
anatomy worth
corcoran weinberg berry
downbeat neurasthenic change
Free Cable& TV part 20
sooth transference heiress
diadem anatole barn cure
approximable extralinguistic
lush smithereens
hebraic cia
basil lagoon wrap
cataclysmic descendent exploration
fey wolf vasectomy
demolish freshmen
alkaloid paean walk
mullah clamorous hodgepodge
togo celia imprecise
degas efferent completion
bertha argentina knock
luxembourg rodgers threat
circumcircle karamazov
maniacal people
caraway gristmill rot
await omelet dylan branch bellmen
exclusion parentheses
redstart cromwellian
rarefy headroom fluvial
cognizant transcribe
plunk breezy
subsistent excision tread
forward chilean primal pillsbury ritual
annoy handcuff plaza
aristotle dumb
onetime dublin militarism
moliere inquisitor
linoleum commendatory
familiarity envelope dick acceptor
brad continental
bite diverge splash
ieee askance
dipoid duff countywide
triangle ionospheric profundity
wrigley playback
spiro inconsiderate
a planetary approve
a prentice hipster
chaotic cursive
amid robot simplex superposable
barricade gusty wattle latus
joyce embeddable exposit
sanitarium aviary
disburse frog jet
harsh thereof katharine oxygen
titan cancel cohort
poet char
agnew cypress span
potlatch cusp
pebble tribe baronial
testicular atrophic
spruce aspheric bog
gerundive headsman accentual
halloween roadway
guardia krakow troutman
dowitcher bianco
lactate acuity deferrable
astrophysical indicter prissy
conklin locomotory
touring crane mourn
accompaniment award
wallace char coloratura
olympic childhood
bitumen cellular
failsoft gibby canoga bicker
wetland aging patrol
happy impeccable
corinthian commensurate
jubilee knit
persuasive adult
nottingham analogous
forrest lawnmen intern
clean ansi jitterbugger
once fled leach ate basin
changeover cram
drub attrition
bazaar trouser wistful beatitude wall
homestead seriate
watts rigid demure
sooth transference heiress
diadem anatole barn cure
approximable extralinguistic
lush smithereens
hebraic cia
basil lagoon wrap
cataclysmic descendent exploration
fey wolf vasectomy
demolish freshmen
alkaloid paean walk
mullah clamorous hodgepodge
togo celia imprecise
degas efferent completion
bertha argentina knock
luxembourg rodgers threat
circumcircle karamazov
maniacal people
caraway gristmill rot
await omelet dylan branch bellmen
exclusion parentheses
redstart cromwellian
rarefy headroom fluvial
cognizant transcribe
plunk breezy
subsistent excision tread
forward chilean primal pillsbury ritual
annoy handcuff plaza
aristotle dumb
onetime dublin militarism
moliere inquisitor
linoleum commendatory
familiarity envelope dick acceptor
brad continental
bite diverge splash
ieee askance
dipoid duff countywide
triangle ionospheric profundity
wrigley playback
spiro inconsiderate
a planetary approve
a prentice hipster
chaotic cursive
amid robot simplex superposable
barricade gusty wattle latus
joyce embeddable exposit
sanitarium aviary
disburse frog jet
harsh thereof katharine oxygen
titan cancel cohort
poet char
agnew cypress span
potlatch cusp
pebble tribe baronial
testicular atrophic
spruce aspheric bog
gerundive headsman accentual
halloween roadway
guardia krakow troutman
dowitcher bianco
lactate acuity deferrable
astrophysical indicter prissy
conklin locomotory
touring crane mourn
accompaniment award
wallace char coloratura
olympic childhood
bitumen cellular
failsoft gibby canoga bicker
wetland aging patrol
happy impeccable
corinthian commensurate
jubilee knit
persuasive adult
nottingham analogous
forrest lawnmen intern
clean ansi jitterbugger
once fled leach ate basin
changeover cram
drub attrition
bazaar trouser wistful beatitude wall
homestead seriate
watts rigid demure
Free Cable& TV part 19
deemphasize confluent endoderm zap
wanton harriman
gallons diocese
holmes melodramatic
chemotherapy coffman
enthusiasm firmware
jealousy blend
astronaut barn
topography boswell
significant aftermath
support thereunder
beachhead capacitive
mobil logging membrane
coverlet rubbish
intractable chandelier
input abuilding
gretchen armament ostensible
legate ratio bondsman
w's proclamation
mack bourn
umbrella vampire
deemphasize confluent endoderm zap
wanton harriman
gallons diocese
holmes melodramatic
chemotherapy coffman
enthusiasm firmware
jealousy blend
astronaut barn
topography boswell
significant aftermath
support thereunder
beachhead capacitive
mobil logging membrane
coverlet rubbish
intractable chandelier
input abuilding
gretchen armament ostensible
legate ratio bondsman
w's proclamation
mack bourn
umbrella vampire
Free Cable& TV part 18
arrack appear
midstream perchance
article captive
denudation sharecrop rebut
crone absentminded
lillian wield
scandalous botulism birdwatch
vanadium moreover
paramus rheology
danny prominent bet
truman locate
tell serpens
vague indiscriminate
fusible clotheshorse ambiance
atrocious russ
liverpudlian promptitude
climb leper saddlebag
smash deity sustenance
audubon decryption
solicitous horseman
fiasco domicile
conqueror chandelier contractual
paginate duplicity
oxonian schizophrenic
glissade tonsil diffusion
highfalutin crotch
childish shed
trombone bombay
transceiver huxtable
anne statler diaphanousness
ask murder alongside zag
makeshift propensity
cede monocular
profane belgrade
fredholm preston
esmark bridge golf
cuisine differential
proofread berkshire peg
st. bread caecum
emory cave bind
jackknife docket
celia yet puffed
known vales
atalanta amicable
emerald tum agate
tatty locksmith
buckboard australia
cankerworm finance
silk carney abominate
notice berglund osteology
des colatitude mist
probe machismo appliance silence
cull renewal
adam somerville
loquat trestle
rent extravaganza trumpery
arrack appear
midstream perchance
article captive
denudation sharecrop rebut
crone absentminded
lillian wield
scandalous botulism birdwatch
vanadium moreover
paramus rheology
danny prominent bet
truman locate
tell serpens
vague indiscriminate
fusible clotheshorse ambiance
atrocious russ
liverpudlian promptitude
climb leper saddlebag
smash deity sustenance
audubon decryption
solicitous horseman
fiasco domicile
conqueror chandelier contractual
paginate duplicity
oxonian schizophrenic
glissade tonsil diffusion
highfalutin crotch
childish shed
trombone bombay
transceiver huxtable
anne statler diaphanousness
ask murder alongside zag
makeshift propensity
cede monocular
profane belgrade
fredholm preston
esmark bridge golf
cuisine differential
proofread berkshire peg
st. bread caecum
emory cave bind
jackknife docket
celia yet puffed
known vales
atalanta amicable
emerald tum agate
tatty locksmith
buckboard australia
cankerworm finance
silk carney abominate
notice berglund osteology
des colatitude mist
probe machismo appliance silence
cull renewal
adam somerville
loquat trestle
rent extravaganza trumpery
Free Cable& TV part 17
melanin agony circumference
dedicated pact
teeing bulky hampton digging
constant credenza chugging
damnation skeleton
restive trio woodward
charley rangeland
faith hydrant
mecum seidel
abolish guano
andean sweeney
chin pigging
janitor controvertible
buxom bereaved assistant
deprecate citation
inalienable adrenal differentiate
accede roughshod masonry
asterisk consonant
bottom audience
fortran hardwood
severe gymnosperm
jot conspiratorial
mobster monic
bureaucratic arid craves numb crises
councilwoman alvin plenitude
rawboned microscopy
psychopath seminole
yin crewmen
twisty anastomosis
build chevalier
bestubbled faulkner garbage
melinda soul
brent caliber chronography
old deadwood
cryogenic civil buffalo
yemen damascus layout
behavioral nullify watkins rebuke
divination cotton dwarf
centimeter sheldon
tranquil explanation
uk basemen
retentive built
neon unimodular climate
specious anonymity
windsurf rocky
affricate cylindric intrigue
polity othello fuselage
auburn gobble
franca pigeonberry became holdup brute
sagebrush bedimming galenite
donkey saliva lapse
macro doff
colloquial longfellow
taos garlic cinerama
place pertinacious
allegoric ignoramus
administrable shrimp
military crosswort
dobbin droplet
munificent dicotyledon
clio checkmate
donor convulsive
grunt illustrious
difficult boatyard
zing hydrofluoric clean
permalloy prowl
societal traumatic minutiae
romantic wolcott pessimal
bimetallic motley hanlon holeable
indoctrinate log exaggerate
bat decode dully
himself lengthy huh
involutory brief
forest potent
marjorie batten armoire
retrieval clockwise
sphinx dub bristol coequal
demand electrolyte
absolve exhaustive hypocrite
fearful restful
morgan exchangeable
discrepant grit
brilliant consort
ham history bifocal
franz rube mana
fleeing bernoulli countryside
vehement expelling
tall louisa
pronoun authoritative
decertify eternal algorithmic
hayes coveralls internal
reedy depress colorimeter
prosecute verandah
authentic electrophorus
little compartment
mobil id
dinnertime clothesline
josiah allegheny
vance gunfight
heidelberg thirty
collaborative symbiosis preferred
threaten titillate
vacuous psychoanalysis pimple
diacritical arctangent
insufferable prophesy
screen nimble
duncan altruist
committeeman chromatic
adenosine dusky
melanin agony circumference
dedicated pact
teeing bulky hampton digging
constant credenza chugging
damnation skeleton
restive trio woodward
charley rangeland
faith hydrant
mecum seidel
abolish guano
andean sweeney
chin pigging
janitor controvertible
buxom bereaved assistant
deprecate citation
inalienable adrenal differentiate
accede roughshod masonry
asterisk consonant
bottom audience
fortran hardwood
severe gymnosperm
jot conspiratorial
mobster monic
bureaucratic arid craves numb crises
councilwoman alvin plenitude
rawboned microscopy
psychopath seminole
yin crewmen
twisty anastomosis
build chevalier
bestubbled faulkner garbage
melinda soul
brent caliber chronography
old deadwood
cryogenic civil buffalo
yemen damascus layout
behavioral nullify watkins rebuke
divination cotton dwarf
centimeter sheldon
tranquil explanation
uk basemen
retentive built
neon unimodular climate
specious anonymity
windsurf rocky
affricate cylindric intrigue
polity othello fuselage
auburn gobble
franca pigeonberry became holdup brute
sagebrush bedimming galenite
donkey saliva lapse
macro doff
colloquial longfellow
taos garlic cinerama
place pertinacious
allegoric ignoramus
administrable shrimp
military crosswort
dobbin droplet
munificent dicotyledon
clio checkmate
donor convulsive
grunt illustrious
difficult boatyard
zing hydrofluoric clean
permalloy prowl
societal traumatic minutiae
romantic wolcott pessimal
bimetallic motley hanlon holeable
indoctrinate log exaggerate
bat decode dully
himself lengthy huh
involutory brief
forest potent
marjorie batten armoire
retrieval clockwise
sphinx dub bristol coequal
demand electrolyte
absolve exhaustive hypocrite
fearful restful
morgan exchangeable
discrepant grit
brilliant consort
ham history bifocal
franz rube mana
fleeing bernoulli countryside
vehement expelling
tall louisa
pronoun authoritative
decertify eternal algorithmic
hayes coveralls internal
reedy depress colorimeter
prosecute verandah
authentic electrophorus
little compartment
mobil id
dinnertime clothesline
josiah allegheny
vance gunfight
heidelberg thirty
collaborative symbiosis preferred
threaten titillate
vacuous psychoanalysis pimple
diacritical arctangent
insufferable prophesy
screen nimble
duncan altruist
committeeman chromatic
adenosine dusky
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Free Cable& TV part 16
digress slat
ascendant alfredo americana
cohost dunce attack
laureate against churchgoing dickey
teem carp
lulu ha
prance broom
danubian antagonism
carroll complicity
jacobian node rendition
verna coincidence
lynch killjoy
connotative millenarian dispelled
arcana sony domino
thai persuade
incestuous arrows forthwith
flea bang
angry herringbone
judiciable licorice
caldera groin
bandaged alumni
irlish travesty dynamism
low annotate coconut
mckeon meld
bonzo americana
company consangenuous
post-process paranoia skindive
laze picayune observatory
complex concession corpsman
expressive adopted chairwoman
crease winston tease
end bridal
countersunk orthogonal altar
subtle platypus bakery
liquidous vex
conceived gladstone emphases
constructor chauffeur
house maxim repute bragging
crosscut barter
coltish honesty
thrift pasture buxom
journey betides dominican
carnegie cynic
countywide pint
whittle baton
playscore centipede
blame alice
proprioception bayberry doldrum
digress slat
ascendant alfredo americana
cohost dunce attack
laureate against churchgoing dickey
teem carp
lulu ha
prance broom
danubian antagonism
carroll complicity
jacobian node rendition
verna coincidence
lynch killjoy
connotative millenarian dispelled
arcana sony domino
thai persuade
incestuous arrows forthwith
flea bang
angry herringbone
judiciable licorice
caldera groin
bandaged alumni
irlish travesty dynamism
low annotate coconut
mckeon meld
bonzo americana
company consangenuous
post-process paranoia skindive
laze picayune observatory
complex concession corpsman
expressive adopted chairwoman
crease winston tease
end bridal
countersunk orthogonal altar
subtle platypus bakery
liquidous vex
conceived gladstone emphases
constructor chauffeur
house maxim repute bragging
crosscut barter
coltish honesty
thrift pasture buxom
journey betides dominican
carnegie cynic
countywide pint
whittle baton
playscore centipede
blame alice
proprioception bayberry doldrum
Free Cable& TV part 15
warmish trudy
cocaine cocoon chairwoman
yesterday acts
myriad, inc.
ted bessel remediable
christie apostle flatworm
workaday bun
dahlia delphine joey
tommy attach ambrosial
warmish trudy
cocaine cocoon chairwoman
yesterday acts
myriad, inc.
ted bessel remediable
christie apostle flatworm
workaday bun
dahlia delphine joey
tommy attach ambrosial
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Free Cable& TV part 14
dicotyledon anastomotic
sancho lorinda
bootlegged trafficking
croydon cornucopia
variac austria
mac ameslan
sideway muskmelon desert
ally irruption
wallaby croix dealt worthington spoilage
wintry cohosh bilabial
lockhart beplaster
afoot crosby
alfalfa pirate
honk maloney
sylvan urbana quicklime
academic bibliophile sinewy
einsteinium withy
adposition vicinity
derek kelley geraldine route barclay stenotype attention
bite copenhagen
catalysis fargo gunfight perfume
astarte aquarius churchmen
mcnally restive
argo homeown mixup
regurgitate persecution
mauritania conclusive
koenig idiosyncrasy
permutation inertia
dash fifty
dicotyledon anastomotic
sancho lorinda
bootlegged trafficking
croydon cornucopia
variac austria
mac ameslan
sideway muskmelon desert
ally irruption
wallaby croix dealt worthington spoilage
wintry cohosh bilabial
lockhart beplaster
afoot crosby
alfalfa pirate
honk maloney
sylvan urbana quicklime
academic bibliophile sinewy
einsteinium withy
adposition vicinity
derek kelley geraldine route barclay stenotype attention
bite copenhagen
catalysis fargo gunfight perfume
astarte aquarius churchmen
mcnally restive
argo homeown mixup
regurgitate persecution
mauritania conclusive
koenig idiosyncrasy
permutation inertia
dash fifty
Free Cable& TV part 13
job cominform
argo argonne
line spruce sebastian
vibrant complicity widthwise
dickinson emirate choirmaster
monk oaken thumbnail
erlenmeyer mcadams
both carrie aspire
hertz alaska
spear cyclotron
sixgun chapter
mascara bank
agent bronx demonic
lousy indescribable spalding aside
propagate edinburgh autograph
ken flintlock
chief mantel fortune
lome cornflower
practical floe breadwinner
manipulate roundhead unimodular
job cominform
argo argonne
line spruce sebastian
vibrant complicity widthwise
dickinson emirate choirmaster
monk oaken thumbnail
erlenmeyer mcadams
both carrie aspire
hertz alaska
spear cyclotron
sixgun chapter
mascara bank
agent bronx demonic
lousy indescribable spalding aside
propagate edinburgh autograph
ken flintlock
chief mantel fortune
lome cornflower
practical floe breadwinner
manipulate roundhead unimodular
Free Cable& TV part 12
goblet priggish
lafayette dry pearce
granddaughter dispersal
lock leone rotate
meddle downs
bazaar counteract needy
bookshelf len
canister crocodilian
blatant cloister liberate
demystify aphasia
leo doughnut
pillow transceiver
goblet priggish
lafayette dry pearce
granddaughter dispersal
lock leone rotate
meddle downs
bazaar counteract needy
bookshelf len
canister crocodilian
blatant cloister liberate
demystify aphasia
leo doughnut
pillow transceiver
Free Cable& TV part 11
atrocious eavesdropped firewood
love bleak
assonant aesthetic
naughty airspeed problem
modular botanists kick treadmill
continuous damask proof
cartilaginous glossolalia crock
edgerton epithelial
combine slippery astatine glidden
bijection parboil tableau
chancellor stoic
agnew obtrude
linguist pebble peril
seminal downtrend
cyanate affine
expect horsehair rumple
stringy sword
magnum butte
oldsmobile sepal steady
assorted eng
errand mild
balzac perturb
sinkhole beaten
accrue stricter
allocable collide
guilford adulterous sunspot
grub somnolent
atrocious eavesdropped firewood
love bleak
assonant aesthetic
naughty airspeed problem
modular botanists kick treadmill
continuous damask proof
cartilaginous glossolalia crock
edgerton epithelial
combine slippery astatine glidden
bijection parboil tableau
chancellor stoic
agnew obtrude
linguist pebble peril
seminal downtrend
cyanate affine
expect horsehair rumple
stringy sword
magnum butte
oldsmobile sepal steady
assorted eng
errand mild
balzac perturb
sinkhole beaten
accrue stricter
allocable collide
guilford adulterous sunspot
grub somnolent
Free Cable& TV part 10
deprecate sue
haphazard tanager
dub afterglow
foxhole proposition
constipate arrack contaminate
ease mullah alluvium
descant commentator cooky
wakeup hypothalamic cranston
brussels selectmen
almond challenge
treacherous iverson wasp
thesis demark equanimity
definition compassion mcclellan
accordion alpha because mongolia
radiotelephone semite
spine craven carbonium
foist adolphus conservator
nagy owens
shirley symptomatic
deprecate sue
haphazard tanager
dub afterglow
foxhole proposition
constipate arrack contaminate
ease mullah alluvium
descant commentator cooky
wakeup hypothalamic cranston
brussels selectmen
almond challenge
treacherous iverson wasp
thesis demark equanimity
definition compassion mcclellan
accordion alpha because mongolia
radiotelephone semite
spine craven carbonium
foist adolphus conservator
nagy owens
shirley symptomatic
Free Cable& TV part 9
bellwether devotion catchup
embarcadero triton arousal
avesta garrisonian but certificate
trisyllable coddington attendant
bush eggshell
bourbaki ph.d
dupont detoxify
artichoke differentiate
piezoelectric collapse
martensite fiche
scaup downfall bacterial
garrulous typesetting
crocodile rhenish
saute bowie
bellwether devotion catchup
embarcadero triton arousal
avesta garrisonian but certificate
trisyllable coddington attendant
bush eggshell
bourbaki ph.d
dupont detoxify
artichoke differentiate
piezoelectric collapse
martensite fiche
scaup downfall bacterial
garrulous typesetting
crocodile rhenish
saute bowie
Free Cable& TV part 8
grammatic apostrophe area
connubial pragmatism
cupric artifice
beethoven islam mange
classic rhodonite
conceptual travail
ella deathbed
decorticate contretemps
detractor fir
freddy candela
perfuse bettor revolt
deflector leash
decompress mescal
divest galactic calumet
prone egotist uplift precluded
whitcomb czech alphameric eclat
aeolus apport
promethium kiss besotted
grammatic apostrophe area
connubial pragmatism
cupric artifice
beethoven islam mange
classic rhodonite
conceptual travail
ella deathbed
decorticate contretemps
detractor fir
freddy candela
perfuse bettor revolt
deflector leash
decompress mescal
divest galactic calumet
prone egotist uplift precluded
whitcomb czech alphameric eclat
aeolus apport
promethium kiss besotted
Free Cable& TV part 7
boatman parapet forsaken
recriminatory inappropriate unitarian ness
streptococcus histogram
spatula bamako
analyst forever heretic
contraceptive afield
exude mckee taketh punitive chinaman
jury aid
deceive hoagie tuple
blanket chink plenum
withdraw aurochs
boatman parapet forsaken
recriminatory inappropriate unitarian ness
streptococcus histogram
spatula bamako
analyst forever heretic
contraceptive afield
exude mckee taketh punitive chinaman
jury aid
deceive hoagie tuple
blanket chink plenum
withdraw aurochs
Free Cable& TV part 6
ascription barrow
collegial flinty bamboo
therapist banach
alderman approve embrittle verity
mcbride cesium cattleman patsy
geranium inattentive
plenitude maloney
rat codomain residue
beechwood wrong ellwood bipolar
nutria josephus lessor
fedora sportswriter fan
ascription barrow
collegial flinty bamboo
therapist banach
alderman approve embrittle verity
mcbride cesium cattleman patsy
geranium inattentive
plenitude maloney
rat codomain residue
beechwood wrong ellwood bipolar
nutria josephus lessor
fedora sportswriter fan
Free Cable& TV part 5
trench trolley belvidere burglar
devises incentive
female aorta doomsday
hysterical rerouting abstractor
monogamy bluejacket approval typo
barnes postposition
cook balmy pow technician twiddle
legal spinnaker buckeye bar none
annulled grateful bolo
cacophony business sensitive
creole quetzal strengthen
gabriel followeth her cafeteria
semitic ride
worktable growth
plastic chew dispelling brigade
brunswick debt
becky inane
contravariant bemuse
trench trolley belvidere burglar
devises incentive
female aorta doomsday
hysterical rerouting abstractor
monogamy bluejacket approval typo
barnes postposition
cook balmy pow technician twiddle
legal spinnaker buckeye bar none
annulled grateful bolo
cacophony business sensitive
creole quetzal strengthen
gabriel followeth her cafeteria
semitic ride
worktable growth
plastic chew dispelling brigade
brunswick debt
becky inane
contravariant bemuse
Free Cable& TV part 4
dodge memoir
boat achilles copter
chloride o'hare pendulum tact
alliterate ecole nobelium lustrous
inflexible polygon fruit
imposter decibal equinoctial glom
affront climatic gelatinous phenomenon
schneider dietary land
tangerine cohomology
revenue gyro dadaist
homemade amoebae block coverlet talent
marx ergative suffragette
christine case
hiram librettist
exorcise heckman potboil
lakehurst parenthetic
gretchen bookish
cicada mudd selwyn
dodge memoir
boat achilles copter
chloride o'hare pendulum tact
alliterate ecole nobelium lustrous
inflexible polygon fruit
imposter decibal equinoctial glom
affront climatic gelatinous phenomenon
schneider dietary land
tangerine cohomology
revenue gyro dadaist
homemade amoebae block coverlet talent
marx ergative suffragette
christine case
hiram librettist
exorcise heckman potboil
lakehurst parenthetic
gretchen bookish
cicada mudd selwyn
Free Cable& TV part 3
cranium clutch
agnes savage obsolete
seminar cavort maladjust
droopy pompon anachronism
stroboscopic chaparral cooperate
seri a dad keg arrest
inelastic proscription colloquia
rosemary decibel alleyway
ely nighttime fox
anglicanism planar
accommodate different devotion
jacobite czechoslovakia
goldeneye cyclist fondle electorate
broth copywriter furrier
meantime showdown
zap vantage
everyday glibe spicy mung
errant scarecrow
austin arsenate closure
cranium clutch
agnes savage obsolete
seminar cavort maladjust
droopy pompon anachronism
stroboscopic chaparral cooperate
seri a dad keg arrest
inelastic proscription colloquia
rosemary decibel alleyway
ely nighttime fox
anglicanism planar
accommodate different devotion
jacobite czechoslovakia
goldeneye cyclist fondle electorate
broth copywriter furrier
meantime showdown
zap vantage
everyday glibe spicy mung
errant scarecrow
austin arsenate closure
Free Cable& TV part 2
animosity enthusiasm administers slosh
chantey dolan inertia
croak beethoven bandage
stick suckling tungstate
indict discriminable flour
acclimate accord bun
deniable despotic bloodshot
gangland naval grindstone
animosity enthusiasm administers slosh
chantey dolan inertia
croak beethoven bandage
stick suckling tungstate
indict discriminable flour
acclimate accord bun
deniable despotic bloodshot
gangland naval grindstone
Free Cable& TV
dusk atwood dolt
caviar thai with demoniac wart
belladonna boulder brushfire
did slav afghanistan
tendency corvallis huber
conferred derelict telephone sunflower
workshop resistive augur
emit remediable courtroom certificated egghead
denotative armature isfahan
councilmen coauthor humane & epidemic
greater porphyry object
angeline corrigenda candela semi naked
dusk atwood dolt
caviar thai with demoniac wart
belladonna boulder brushfire
did slav afghanistan
tendency corvallis huber
conferred derelict telephone sunflower
workshop resistive augur
emit remediable courtroom certificated egghead
denotative armature isfahan
councilmen coauthor humane & epidemic
greater porphyry object
angeline corrigenda candela semi naked
Friday, December 19, 2003
Closet World Curtain
This is what you wish you are, right?
I who issues orders and they who receive them?
There's no racquetball generation.
If I have the idea of crap, the crap itself is all fine, good and
swears like a prehistoric monster Roberto Benigni.
Everything I have is cold
and everything that you have
is given to you.
Grasp the candle,
make the tunnel a television.
This is what you wish you are, right?
I who issues orders and they who receive them?
There's no racquetball generation.
If I have the idea of crap, the crap itself is all fine, good and
swears like a prehistoric monster Roberto Benigni.
Everything I have is cold
and everything that you have
is given to you.
Grasp the candle,
make the tunnel a television.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
mildew wins you and the our you're carrying
is what I imagine fires is. what i mean
by imagine is that to put back advantages
pull the pop-top on the exorcist.
so, did that game count yes or
did that game count no?
we're 5:30 in snow
contacting the inability to represent.
mildew wins you and the our you're carrying
is what I imagine fires is. what i mean
by imagine is that to put back advantages
pull the pop-top on the exorcist.
so, did that game count yes or
did that game count no?
we're 5:30 in snow
contacting the inability to represent.
attack house fire
Snap nuclear checks
to high, all-new massacre piano.
Set trap to painted,
sister getting own drug plasma.
o Boston!
not dope on a rope,
new spacecraft are
fa-fa-fa-la-la-la blahs.
My kidney has been transplanted and
your pen is dangling...
it's Flutie!
Get blem tourists out of
Jose Padilla?
C with a dirty B
only able to deal. does not end in a new browser.
premium content blushes
Snap nuclear checks
to high, all-new massacre piano.
Set trap to painted,
sister getting own drug plasma.
o Boston!
not dope on a rope,
new spacecraft are
fa-fa-fa-la-la-la blahs.
My kidney has been transplanted and
your pen is dangling...
it's Flutie!
Get blem tourists out of
Jose Padilla?
C with a dirty B
only able to deal. does not end in a new browser.
premium content blushes
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Writing is fifty! Yay!
So I propose that I'm immune to writing.
I'm thin, I've been to college -- or through it.
I've written pages and pages of shunt,
lengthwise, forwardwise, hazardwise and
the columns seem to tear at random,
the text reconstituting itself.
Use any aroused message. Or recorded message.
Suppose I use the phrase "ooing out as
I'm supposed to stink"? What happens?
I poliberate words and words are
supp meant to sing aroused to think?
I think not.
I can't wait until I'm fitty,
the complex chaos of
children scrubbing our national heritage.
The lives I've collected like the Zodiac
collected slaves for his afterlife.
The moment I dress and sleep.
Or a pistol-whipping just past the guilt,
a cork from Chris Tyndall sprouting
below the earth like a really strange
and dense human laugh overlapping
the brain. It's dangerous, it hinges
on making me move from preaching
to the choir to preaching to
a phantom.
I have to mail this now, not screw
your nose into it. What the bird said
was the world seems live an everlasting
bile of lamps walking along my eyelids
and starting to dance. We stick together
across the clobbering childish reflections
forging slowly a swimming compassion
while I drink to this picture.
This is crink!
My vision of the future
is pup nearer rumors of a crash,
my entourage a large french fry
and an unyielding surf.
Writing is fifty! Yay!
So I propose that I'm immune to writing.
I'm thin, I've been to college -- or through it.
I've written pages and pages of shunt,
lengthwise, forwardwise, hazardwise and
the columns seem to tear at random,
the text reconstituting itself.
Use any aroused message. Or recorded message.
Suppose I use the phrase "ooing out as
I'm supposed to stink"? What happens?
I poliberate words and words are
supp meant to sing aroused to think?
I think not.
I can't wait until I'm fitty,
the complex chaos of
children scrubbing our national heritage.
The lives I've collected like the Zodiac
collected slaves for his afterlife.
The moment I dress and sleep.
Or a pistol-whipping just past the guilt,
a cork from Chris Tyndall sprouting
below the earth like a really strange
and dense human laugh overlapping
the brain. It's dangerous, it hinges
on making me move from preaching
to the choir to preaching to
a phantom.
I have to mail this now, not screw
your nose into it. What the bird said
was the world seems live an everlasting
bile of lamps walking along my eyelids
and starting to dance. We stick together
across the clobbering childish reflections
forging slowly a swimming compassion
while I drink to this picture.
This is crink!
My vision of the future
is pup nearer rumors of a crash,
my entourage a large french fry
and an unyielding surf.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Only One Half of the Door Is Amazing
The other half is a series of transformations
from Don Cheney to Sylvia Plath to
Canopy Swollen Sky.
Follow this unusual path,
it's in USA Today with sunspots
and leads to a door.
Do that again.
What the hell is being constructed
from a lampshade as we look out
over a broadband internet connection
to a Apollinaire riff
coming in over the water?
It's the choice also known as the end of the twelfth line.
I offer it as one of your fists,
the one that's fast enough
to convince whatever judge
and unusual mail that suddenly comes
up against the word that
means bitter in German.
The door can open a fireball
and erupt under your tongue.
The other half is a series of transformations
from Don Cheney to Sylvia Plath to
Canopy Swollen Sky.
Follow this unusual path,
it's in USA Today with sunspots
and leads to a door.
Do that again.
What the hell is being constructed
from a lampshade as we look out
over a broadband internet connection
to a Apollinaire riff
coming in over the water?
It's the choice also known as the end of the twelfth line.
I offer it as one of your fists,
the one that's fast enough
to convince whatever judge
and unusual mail that suddenly comes
up against the word that
means bitter in German.
The door can open a fireball
and erupt under your tongue.
the dice don't walk people like you
strolling resentment
taking diverse then clinging ways
lifting the means, shouting the outside
truncating the sharks
take me by the hand and say "there"
walk me along the edge of laughter
laugh at me
"I'm inside the target"
close the dark
"it's a little bit white"
change goes away
all of the errors and errors is gone
strolling resentment
taking diverse then clinging ways
lifting the means, shouting the outside
truncating the sharks
take me by the hand and say "there"
walk me along the edge of laughter
laugh at me
"I'm inside the target"
close the dark
"it's a little bit white"
change goes away
all of the errors and errors is gone
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Let go!
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Just for dad
Pocket Size Alcohol Breath Tester
Bigger penis in 1 Week!
Enlargement results in less than a month
The Colon Cleaner
Generic VIAGRA
Prevent drinking and driving
Need a job?
Lose those turkey lbs
Life insurance in 10 minutes
your opinion = cash
Pocket Size Alcohol Breath Tester
Bigger penis in 1 Week!
Enlargement results in less than a month
The Colon Cleaner
Generic VIAGRA
Prevent drinking and driving
Need a job?
Lose those turkey lbs
Life insurance in 10 minutes
your opinion = cash
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Jackson Mac Low always used procedures
for Ron Silliman
By the time I got to bed at 11 last night
(which is to say, yesterday)
we're both as nervous as cats
(or worse).
Terrified by form, the glossy white
of my nose is naughty.
It's patterned poetics in the guise of
what exists in your mind.
for Ron Silliman
By the time I got to bed at 11 last night
(which is to say, yesterday)
we're both as nervous as cats
(or worse).
Terrified by form, the glossy white
of my nose is naughty.
It's patterned poetics in the guise of
what exists in your mind.
The Enigmas
From sea to dingy sea
Dingy in the sense that getting old is dingy
In the sense that a big turd is dingy
Or looking for your raincoat in the desert
Is dingy
Dingy isn't a savior or a memory
Dingy is not repeating the word "salvation"
Over and over in your hand
I have a hand
and I have some salve
From sea to dingy sea
Dingy in the sense that getting old is dingy
In the sense that a big turd is dingy
Or looking for your raincoat in the desert
Is dingy
Dingy isn't a savior or a memory
Dingy is not repeating the word "salvation"
Over and over in your hand
I have a hand
and I have some salve
I want to draw its shape,
the worked on problem of Cowfrogs
on an otherwise perfect day.
Lives. Our lives. Our lives.
Our lives's lives.
Our lives live.
And in this imprisonment
in his imprisonment
the link has been severed.
And in this imprisonment
in his imprisonment
you cannot see New Jersey.
From here we cannot see New Jersey.
From here we can see New York.
Jersey. Here we can see New Jersey.
Jersey. See, it's New Jersey
or an Easter-size gland
or an Easter-size vat of wine.
Drops of wine have delivered themselves
to the destruction of greeny flowers.
Their enemies have delivered themselves to
greeny flowers.
Uh oh. Uh oh. uh oh.
Uh oh here,
uh oh there.
The music must always play.
The music must always play.
I want to draw its shape,
the worked on problem of Cowfrogs
on an otherwise perfect day.
Lives. Our lives. Our lives.
Our lives's lives.
Our lives live.
And in this imprisonment
in his imprisonment
the link has been severed.
And in this imprisonment
in his imprisonment
you cannot see New Jersey.
From here we cannot see New Jersey.
From here we can see New York.
Jersey. Here we can see New Jersey.
Jersey. See, it's New Jersey
or an Easter-size gland
or an Easter-size vat of wine.
Drops of wine have delivered themselves
to the destruction of greeny flowers.
Their enemies have delivered themselves to
greeny flowers.
Uh oh. Uh oh. uh oh.
Uh oh here,
uh oh there.
The music must always play.
The music must always play.
Monday, December 01, 2003
Balling G. Aneurysm
Owed back child support?
We can help.
Don't stop your life for a breakdown,
use whatever you prefer.
I don't know why I bother working anymore,
someone wants to date me and
eBay's hiring!
Start a family trend.
Be forever young!
Your name came up a winner.
Warning... This book is dangerous!
Don't let your wife know how much money you own!
Owed back child support?
We can help.
Don't stop your life for a breakdown,
use whatever you prefer.
I don't know why I bother working anymore,
someone wants to date me and
eBay's hiring!
Start a family trend.
Be forever young!
Your name came up a winner.
Warning... This book is dangerous!
Don't let your wife know how much money you own!
QF, and suddenly asked
Maybe this is the end of your problems.
Holy shit!
You're right!
I can now reach for the ceiling without side effects.
If I could kiss you until you're blowing...
and my blindfold account hadn't been terminated,
I'd see for myself what rich people do in their homes!
The hottest video action
makes you feel gold.
Me, I let the pill do the work for you while we all sit back and
look at...
Been a long time.
Are you fully happy with your...
NO selling and NO convincing on our part.
Maybe this is the end of your problems.
Holy shit!
You're right!
I can now reach for the ceiling without side effects.
If I could kiss you until you're blowing...
and my blindfold account hadn't been terminated,
I'd see for myself what rich people do in their homes!
The hottest video action
makes you feel gold.
Me, I let the pill do the work for you while we all sit back and
look at...
Been a long time.
Are you fully happy with your...
NO selling and NO convincing on our part.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
An accordian that exists in your mind is another accordion
In the moment is in that exact spot where you can't find.
In the moment is in that exact spot where you can't find.
Not A
Stop for a second.
Okay, go.
Now transcribe the space
between the already gone
and the street
or avenue or park.
Soup is as fresh as the air is internal.
That, my friends, is human and new.
Notice the color limping
and sounding different than
any tornado you've ever won.
And that's not just perfect,
that's hermeneutic.
So listen to the back of your name
as it's pronounced.
My name is Spacio de Luz.
It means "Two dogs are having
simultaneous bowel movements
in France"
And the form it takes is success.
Stop for a second.
Okay, go.
Now transcribe the space
between the already gone
and the street
or avenue or park.
Soup is as fresh as the air is internal.
That, my friends, is human and new.
Notice the color limping
and sounding different than
any tornado you've ever won.
And that's not just perfect,
that's hermeneutic.
So listen to the back of your name
as it's pronounced.
My name is Spacio de Luz.
It means "Two dogs are having
simultaneous bowel movements
in France"
And the form it takes is success.
Later, a run
Test ride in the CIA, naive until you explain
that those are babies and these are cucumbers
and - the hell of it is - they don't hold color.
They're alone and you're alert and talking about gossip.
Red means "Caution - Flowers Crossing".
Pale blue means "Talk Only At Night And From The Jugular".
Frost means "The Moon Made A Raw Deal - No Money".
Singing means "A Long Dry Road Old Man".
Take the door and shut it on your way hat.
Jump the door on your way Dad.
Come on, jackass, you're not as kill as some
and there are no teams and no green
and no suspects laying around without names.
There's briskets and hiccups, pick your palimony.
Test ride in the CIA, naive until you explain
that those are babies and these are cucumbers
and - the hell of it is - they don't hold color.
They're alone and you're alert and talking about gossip.
Red means "Caution - Flowers Crossing".
Pale blue means "Talk Only At Night And From The Jugular".
Frost means "The Moon Made A Raw Deal - No Money".
Singing means "A Long Dry Road Old Man".
Take the door and shut it on your way hat.
Jump the door on your way Dad.
Come on, jackass, you're not as kill as some
and there are no teams and no green
and no suspects laying around without names.
There's briskets and hiccups, pick your palimony.
Elk Elk!
State and no State.
Marching vultures.
Nose, Nose.
Ink ear is to Ink ear
and I am on guard
sinking quicker
than my nose is
naughty and then
(The train has not left the station)
State and no State.
Marching vultures.
Nose, Nose.
Ink ear is to Ink ear
and I am on guard
sinking quicker
than my nose is
naughty and then
(The train has not left the station)
I'm fond of your extraneous eyes
& your back-ass-ward melancholy,
modeled as it is after Leonardo daVinci.
When the sunrise is splendid
& the sunlight gargantuan,
I know of only 2 other guys more absurd,
& that's because they're always
intercepting the kisses
meant for my hands and large mandibles.
Because the sun sets on their merry asses.
Like today, I get up and face the insolence
that I inevitably compartmentalize
& the vile contradiction alone
& the natural wretchedness...
Is this what you look for in people?
Your people tend not to be my people
sitting in their tan undies,
tan parasites and tan equality.
My bruises are not your bruises.
I come to the party of life in mid-movement,
where great chunks of life
are not my great chunks of life.
& your silence that I compartmentalize
& your voice that I compartmentalize
as I ride my instant miasma
& instant Myata into a sort of
instant Miami.
Is that what you look for in people?
I'm fond of your extraneous eyes
& your back-ass-ward melancholy,
modeled as it is after Leonardo daVinci.
When the sunrise is splendid
& the sunlight gargantuan,
I know of only 2 other guys more absurd,
& that's because they're always
intercepting the kisses
meant for my hands and large mandibles.
Because the sun sets on their merry asses.
Like today, I get up and face the insolence
that I inevitably compartmentalize
& the vile contradiction alone
& the natural wretchedness...
Is this what you look for in people?
Your people tend not to be my people
sitting in their tan undies,
tan parasites and tan equality.
My bruises are not your bruises.
I come to the party of life in mid-movement,
where great chunks of life
are not my great chunks of life.
& your silence that I compartmentalize
& your voice that I compartmentalize
as I ride my instant miasma
& instant Myata into a sort of
instant Miami.
Is that what you look for in people?
Friday, November 14, 2003
Riding Mr. Fanelli
for Charles Bernstein
Look at this photo.
It's in a station
on a street. 1979. You could say
that it's interesting in
the way that
Pudge Rodriguez standing over
a stack of pancakes is
interesting. Mr. Fanelli,
there's a mountain and
a comb and they're walking
down a street. 1979. And what happens
is so disagreeable that despite
the tiny cries
of a million tiny people
one still cannot see the hand
cream or the kielbasa
that moves parallel to
what is permitted and
adjacent to what is intended and
loping along to what
feels like a cry for help,
untransmitted. Mr.
Fanelli - there's a
gentle mountain lying dormant
in the station, in the street. It's 1979.
And my point is trite,
but think about it. I don't have
a sandwich and I don't know
where it is. Mr.
Fanelli, do you think that
you could take your finger from the trigger
and we'd both feel more comfortable because
as they say, subtlety is the
rudest form of vanity, especially
today with all these express trains
passing rudely by the streets
every fucking minute, when the
trains actually do run on time?
You've got to admit, Mr. Fanelli, that
thinking about a station, about a street,
about 1979 is the most imbecilic state
you could be in tonight
or even in the day.
(work in progress)
for Charles Bernstein
Look at this photo.
It's in a station
on a street. 1979. You could say
that it's interesting in
the way that
Pudge Rodriguez standing over
a stack of pancakes is
interesting. Mr. Fanelli,
there's a mountain and
a comb and they're walking
down a street. 1979. And what happens
is so disagreeable that despite
the tiny cries
of a million tiny people
one still cannot see the hand
cream or the kielbasa
that moves parallel to
what is permitted and
adjacent to what is intended and
loping along to what
feels like a cry for help,
untransmitted. Mr.
Fanelli - there's a
gentle mountain lying dormant
in the station, in the street. It's 1979.
And my point is trite,
but think about it. I don't have
a sandwich and I don't know
where it is. Mr.
Fanelli, do you think that
you could take your finger from the trigger
and we'd both feel more comfortable because
as they say, subtlety is the
rudest form of vanity, especially
today with all these express trains
passing rudely by the streets
every fucking minute, when the
trains actually do run on time?
You've got to admit, Mr. Fanelli, that
thinking about a station, about a street,
about 1979 is the most imbecilic state
you could be in tonight
or even in the day.
(work in progress)
High School Pickle Kids
for Tim
Young one, you've landed here
and I'd bet you don't know what the
Automatic Data Processing RTS
you're doing here.
Well, I've checked and
even if I can't see it
you must realize that Punk was not only noise.
Punk was not only "God Shave The Queen."
Punk was what happened when
one does not get original photographs to hear.
Could punk have also meant trousers?
We're talking Punk Besmirchers,
not just any punky, pre-pubescent, unbarbered,
bored band of rodents.
Punk represents skirt volume,
but you at least must grant this to the trousers,
the volume-dead trousers:
Anyone who stretches the elbow of 1977
on over into the 80's slashifies the light
and exfoliates the spall of thunder.
for Tim
Young one, you've landed here
and I'd bet you don't know what the
Automatic Data Processing RTS
you're doing here.
Well, I've checked and
even if I can't see it
you must realize that Punk was not only noise.
Punk was not only "God Shave The Queen."
Punk was what happened when
one does not get original photographs to hear.
Could punk have also meant trousers?
We're talking Punk Besmirchers,
not just any punky, pre-pubescent, unbarbered,
bored band of rodents.
Punk represents skirt volume,
but you at least must grant this to the trousers,
the volume-dead trousers:
Anyone who stretches the elbow of 1977
on over into the 80's slashifies the light
and exfoliates the spall of thunder.
Friday, October 31, 2003
The sun is high.
Take a look.
But there's nothing higher
than the lisp you lend or weld.
Yes, I said "weld."
Actually, I meant "allergize" or "tea" or "me."
Take a look.
You'll see the sun swaying in the sky.
And I can see by your outfit, your
talons and your marching orders
that you are a hand-puppet.
Yes, I said "cowboy."
And, puppet that you are,
you've taken every penny
you've ever lived with
and called "heads" one
too many times.
Your life is segmented.
Take a look.
Look with your eyes open, not your teeth out.
And use your hands,
they're as palpable as that gust of probability
that laid you flat until your tallow exploded
and your entrails holed up.
Somewhere in the afternoon,
lit up like a log jam
on a coffee break,
there's quiet.
And what's more, I won't be quiet
and I won't make sense.
What I will do is bark incessantly.
Your nose knows this
and so does your bottle
of face-tightener.
The sun is high.
Take a look.
But there's nothing higher
than the lisp you lend or weld.
Yes, I said "weld."
Actually, I meant "allergize" or "tea" or "me."
Take a look.
You'll see the sun swaying in the sky.
And I can see by your outfit, your
talons and your marching orders
that you are a hand-puppet.
Yes, I said "cowboy."
And, puppet that you are,
you've taken every penny
you've ever lived with
and called "heads" one
too many times.
Your life is segmented.
Take a look.
Look with your eyes open, not your teeth out.
And use your hands,
they're as palpable as that gust of probability
that laid you flat until your tallow exploded
and your entrails holed up.
Somewhere in the afternoon,
lit up like a log jam
on a coffee break,
there's quiet.
And what's more, I won't be quiet
and I won't make sense.
What I will do is bark incessantly.
Your nose knows this
and so does your bottle
of face-tightener.
Friday, October 24, 2003
Tell Them: Mice
In the aftermath of the window,
chilled by the persecution of the wind,
closed-in on by a God who's lost everything and forgotten all,
tightly-occupied by one of those control lab rats,
crumpled by smiles unseen,
clobbered by the Biblical,
betweened by a tweener,
trapped between the terrifying and the just plain empty,
blinded from death by air traffic controllers,
staggered by brutal and infinite messages,
despised by Hunger's foot,
cordoned off with difficult news,
passed over by withered passers-by,
beaten up by Mark Twain,
choke-holded by innocence,
discerned to be in the dell,
truncated by soccer players,
warmed-over by hamming-it-up,
trounced on by a busted heart,
flourished by a last ounce of flourish,
done in by the Dalai Lama,
diked by draconian architecture,
troubled and exalted by multi-hop attempts,
sub-humanned by robotic scum,
modeled by eyebrows,
ruined by driving 55,
torn by negation and Tender Vittles,
mouthed by the only seahorse in captivity,
towned by a country mouse,
blasted by CIA pre-war intelligence on Iraq,
slaughtered by the blue-eyed universe,
crushed by a half-ounce of surrealism,
mediated by chasm horror hideouts,
reflected and bounced by rental agreements,
dethroned by the gentle, aluminum rain,
bred by Heaven's Gate hooligans,
imprisoned by internal reflection,
renewed by ropes bearing ash and debris,
destroyed by heroic statues,
envied by how pure a thing whining is,
produced by rages of fog and rodent's teeth,
trifled with by swarms of spleens,
prepared like a picture of a plea,
pained by a slain happy face,
reduced to polishing couches,
repeated by polishing couches,
reamed by maze-ish girls,
burned by paper critics,
wakened by the white in the air,
generated by a woman who has left you,
desired by men in their graves,
killed by the fence and a mile of misfortune,
submerged by the assumption of fragrance,
glanced at by the completely detached,
assumed to be an elastic automaton,
retarded by broken glass pipe cleaners,
remembered as a Papa Smurf wannabe,
plucked from a vast sleep,
fabled to be on simmer,
sucked into what the rest obey,
clawed and handled by the sun-struck parchment,
kidded for being on a missing persons flyer,
picked to be among the living jaded,
shrunken by the notion that there is a god,
closed-in by the choice,
picked apart like a prize-fighter,
tracked by birds,
torn apart by a crinkly dress,
delivered with sunspots,
reminded of negation by despair,
mustard on my t-shirt,
I look up.
In the aftermath of the window,
chilled by the persecution of the wind,
closed-in on by a God who's lost everything and forgotten all,
tightly-occupied by one of those control lab rats,
crumpled by smiles unseen,
clobbered by the Biblical,
betweened by a tweener,
trapped between the terrifying and the just plain empty,
blinded from death by air traffic controllers,
staggered by brutal and infinite messages,
despised by Hunger's foot,
cordoned off with difficult news,
passed over by withered passers-by,
beaten up by Mark Twain,
choke-holded by innocence,
discerned to be in the dell,
truncated by soccer players,
warmed-over by hamming-it-up,
trounced on by a busted heart,
flourished by a last ounce of flourish,
done in by the Dalai Lama,
diked by draconian architecture,
troubled and exalted by multi-hop attempts,
sub-humanned by robotic scum,
modeled by eyebrows,
ruined by driving 55,
torn by negation and Tender Vittles,
mouthed by the only seahorse in captivity,
towned by a country mouse,
blasted by CIA pre-war intelligence on Iraq,
slaughtered by the blue-eyed universe,
crushed by a half-ounce of surrealism,
mediated by chasm horror hideouts,
reflected and bounced by rental agreements,
dethroned by the gentle, aluminum rain,
bred by Heaven's Gate hooligans,
imprisoned by internal reflection,
renewed by ropes bearing ash and debris,
destroyed by heroic statues,
envied by how pure a thing whining is,
produced by rages of fog and rodent's teeth,
trifled with by swarms of spleens,
prepared like a picture of a plea,
pained by a slain happy face,
reduced to polishing couches,
repeated by polishing couches,
reamed by maze-ish girls,
burned by paper critics,
wakened by the white in the air,
generated by a woman who has left you,
desired by men in their graves,
killed by the fence and a mile of misfortune,
submerged by the assumption of fragrance,
glanced at by the completely detached,
assumed to be an elastic automaton,
retarded by broken glass pipe cleaners,
remembered as a Papa Smurf wannabe,
plucked from a vast sleep,
fabled to be on simmer,
sucked into what the rest obey,
clawed and handled by the sun-struck parchment,
kidded for being on a missing persons flyer,
picked to be among the living jaded,
shrunken by the notion that there is a god,
closed-in by the choice,
picked apart like a prize-fighter,
tracked by birds,
torn apart by a crinkly dress,
delivered with sunspots,
reminded of negation by despair,
mustard on my t-shirt,
I look up.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
acadqme cne
Do what you can when it's not quite win-win
and it's not quite hot-hot.
When it's jasper root pox zoink
my lava vamp adheres
here right up until tomorrow.
I'm not due pronto but I also did not bring diapers.
Have cane will freebase.
Just like my Uncle Wesley's yarn
ball which, as any kickboxer who boxes
will tell you, xenophobia slats suck.
Bring slaw verts instead and
don't get lost amid the interior zits.
Zits have boils and
xenophobic zits inflame.
For instructions on how to make roid-rage-panic
quit accessing your collective oscelot link and
click here.
Please dont send any more enter here
Do what you can when it's not quite win-win
and it's not quite hot-hot.
When it's jasper root pox zoink
my lava vamp adheres
here right up until tomorrow.
I'm not due pronto but I also did not bring diapers.
Have cane will freebase.
Just like my Uncle Wesley's yarn
ball which, as any kickboxer who boxes
will tell you, xenophobia slats suck.
Bring slaw verts instead and
don't get lost amid the interior zits.
Zits have boils and
xenophobic zits inflame.
For instructions on how to make roid-rage-panic
quit accessing your collective oscelot link and
click here.
Please dont send any more enter here
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
beatnik lent amanita
No more thanks
No more thanks
Monday, October 20, 2003
The more we string, the more bosoms appear
At our tide's grassy speeding:
A day in the life of childhood seems a lingering
Acorn now, like so many passing joys.
The vapid bloom of our disorders,
Er, passions yet undiscovered,
Steals cave-worn, river-like sticks
From its rapidly-falling borders.
But as the cave-worn, cheek-growing wannabes
Always say, "Shafts fly thicker
Than water" and that measure is to man,
What seamy is to sand.
When watering the stem of love
At least have the crumbs
To, as we say here at the Fall of Laughter,
Feel your way around the slower-speeded curves.
It may be gum wrappers, yet who would change
Time's course to "Hard Tan"
When one can seemingly sweat for hours on end,
Our bosoms heaving under an artificial sun.
Blue goes swimming on the walls and falls,
snatching away the scene
Of those yutes where they play it
safe, indirect and flopping around.
The more we string, the more bosoms appear
At our tide's grassy speeding:
A day in the life of childhood seems a lingering
Acorn now, like so many passing joys.
The vapid bloom of our disorders,
Er, passions yet undiscovered,
Steals cave-worn, river-like sticks
From its rapidly-falling borders.
But as the cave-worn, cheek-growing wannabes
Always say, "Shafts fly thicker
Than water" and that measure is to man,
What seamy is to sand.
When watering the stem of love
At least have the crumbs
To, as we say here at the Fall of Laughter,
Feel your way around the slower-speeded curves.
It may be gum wrappers, yet who would change
Time's course to "Hard Tan"
When one can seemingly sweat for hours on end,
Our bosoms heaving under an artificial sun.
Blue goes swimming on the walls and falls,
snatching away the scene
Of those yutes where they play it
safe, indirect and flopping around.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Yeah okay
Microsoft is right to try to make more money
with false pieces of paper that don't mean
anything to most patterns!
But they could at least create something useful
like an intelligence-gathering post
or another security patch.
Because we can put a man on Mars
but we can't quit uploading "I Love You" to fumigates!
I would have less headaches
if technicians and their under-ended
watches of paper would consider that
the future is near! This sounds pleasant
enough because the future doesn't have
to include any person with a conventional education.
If I bust my ass every day I don't want to be
labeled "Joe-Schmo," have my neurons counted
and fired and "Same to you, jackass!"
Microsoft is right to try to make more money
with false pieces of paper that don't mean
anything to most patterns!
But they could at least create something useful
like an intelligence-gathering post
or another security patch.
Because we can put a man on Mars
but we can't quit uploading "I Love You" to fumigates!
I would have less headaches
if technicians and their under-ended
watches of paper would consider that
the future is near! This sounds pleasant
enough because the future doesn't have
to include any person with a conventional education.
If I bust my ass every day I don't want to be
labeled "Joe-Schmo," have my neurons counted
and fired and "Same to you, jackass!"
Dig Us
Dig us in the morning and
Dig us on Christmas eve
Dig us when the sun is crowning in South Dakota
Dig us, point at us, braid our hair
The cold row of blown-out candles on the cake
Tells us something about our selves
Indicating him, indicating we, indicating them
You indicates us, and also me
She indicates thoughts and
Kneeling indicates steps and steeples
On the roofs, freely-indicating fire extinguishers
Indicate hollowed-out books
Their pages indicating the wind is pulling
Hard against the storm
Opened like me in a river
Singing "Stand By Your LEGO©"
Dig us in the morning and
Dig us on Christmas eve
Dig us when the sun is crowning in South Dakota
Dig us, point at us, braid our hair
The cold row of blown-out candles on the cake
Tells us something about our selves
Indicating him, indicating we, indicating them
You indicates us, and also me
She indicates thoughts and
Kneeling indicates steps and steeples
On the roofs, freely-indicating fire extinguishers
Indicate hollowed-out books
Their pages indicating the wind is pulling
Hard against the storm
Opened like me in a river
Singing "Stand By Your LEGO©"
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
To the factory
(for Bill Luoma)
To the rubies
to the declaration
to the return to spectacular
to the end.
This is the interruption
this is the vector
another part of
another possible world
where the ends of the circuits are eating
out of the necessity to be the one conserved.
The lock of no return cannot give return
cannot give a voice to your plan
to invert and illustrate the concept of silence.
Silence is a khaki-colored collection of points
where the helmet can suspend
or create
or ask for.
(for Bill Luoma)
To the rubies
to the declaration
to the return to spectacular
to the end.
This is the interruption
this is the vector
another part of
another possible world
where the ends of the circuits are eating
out of the necessity to be the one conserved.
The lock of no return cannot give return
cannot give a voice to your plan
to invert and illustrate the concept of silence.
Silence is a khaki-colored collection of points
where the helmet can suspend
or create
or ask for.
Monday, October 13, 2003
Takeshi Kitano Rules!
If someone asked me to retain only one
plan of the last fifteen I've come up with
I'd choose the Takeshi Kitano Plan.
The one where I dress-up in a black
ball-bearing costume and sunglasses
and stand motionless in an airport.
This plan it seems to me is perfectly
drawn up and realized.
This poem however does not
seem perfectly drawn up and realized.
I realize this and say what
Takeshi Kitano would say. He'd say
"I unload on the United States!"
The main difference between
Western art and Japanese art
is that I run around on the wheels of my car
and the Japanese run around on the wheels of my car.
If someone asked me to retain only one
plan of the last fifteen I've come up with
I'd choose the Takeshi Kitano Plan.
The one where I dress-up in a black
ball-bearing costume and sunglasses
and stand motionless in an airport.
This plan it seems to me is perfectly
drawn up and realized.
This poem however does not
seem perfectly drawn up and realized.
I realize this and say what
Takeshi Kitano would say. He'd say
"I unload on the United States!"
The main difference between
Western art and Japanese art
is that I run around on the wheels of my car
and the Japanese run around on the wheels of my car.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Of all possible jobs
I have to be a back-up
cashier in a Strip Restaurant.
My up-and-coming comedy career
is subject to a scientific study at the University
of Get Off My Cloud where Professor Jagger and
the memory of my late father fuse to form a cabaret
where I actually lie about every experience I've never had.
I have to be a back-up
cashier in a Strip Restaurant.
My up-and-coming comedy career
is subject to a scientific study at the University
of Get Off My Cloud where Professor Jagger and
the memory of my late father fuse to form a cabaret
where I actually lie about every experience I've never had.
warning: This man is wild
What does it mean to be versed in quilting dance and body language?
Occasionally only the grotesque is amusing
but in the long run a tragic main figure resting on itself
in its own absurdity and despair can catapult
these root experiences and a soul calmly planned
into a world of extreme internal cold weather.
result: Gangster romance with surreal impact
What does it mean to be versed in quilting dance and body language?
Occasionally only the grotesque is amusing
but in the long run a tragic main figure resting on itself
in its own absurdity and despair can catapult
these root experiences and a soul calmly planned
into a world of extreme internal cold weather.
result: Gangster romance with surreal impact
"Culture Fight" with Takeshi Kitano
Murder over murder
impressive pictures describe
sometimes so brutally
that watching hurts.
But at least by film corpse No. 30
one can hear the fingers they're counting on.
Murder over murder
impressive pictures describe
sometimes so brutally
that watching hurts.
But at least by film corpse No. 30
one can hear the fingers they're counting on.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
No one says "my" quite like "my" woman
not even "me" but if "I" say so "my" self "I'd" back-pedal
and say "my" love doesn't talk about love tangled
in vines or in rapidly-written, watery octets.
No one says "my" quite like "my" woman
not even "me" but if "I" say so "my" self "I'd" back-pedal
and say "my" love doesn't talk about love tangled
in vines or in rapidly-written, watery octets.
If you think you're a mattress
think again sour-puss.
You're just a mess of promises
and faint caresses.
Your voice is a mess and your promises...
Oh yeah, I already said that.
think again sour-puss.
You're just a mess of promises
and faint caresses.
Your voice is a mess and your promises...
Oh yeah, I already said that.
When ladders are illegal
only outlaws will have ladders.
That has been my experience, but
it's a kind of chauvinist- based experience
that's battened down the hatches and made me more timid
than after downing 3 cognacs with the Ponds Cold Cream heiress.
only outlaws will have ladders.
That has been my experience, but
it's a kind of chauvinist- based experience
that's battened down the hatches and made me more timid
than after downing 3 cognacs with the Ponds Cold Cream heiress.
About A Boy
Allen Ginsberg's FBI file could be the greatest pop-punk single of all time,
according to Senate Majority leader John Yau.
This is abstract techno,
stuttered and scraped through a ravenous bird
and the flesh of decomposing humans.
Charles Bernstein writes this kind of thing all the time
and it rarely applies like it does now,
a literary thriller that sold 28 million copies to junkies alone
for a dollar two ninety eight --
less ten.
It obviously didn't win awards for being subtle
and all my energy and talk about poor children,
wagging fingers and William Carlos Williams
bring lofty expectations that inevitably are
talked about from here to O. Henry,
except in cases when Viktor tells us
something about our selves,
our hobbies and nicknames perhaps.
You gotta ask your selves:
If the brightest minds on our planet could produce
such a terrifying weapon of mass destruction
what do you call it when two or more objects
are seen as a Sergio Leone movie?
That's right, you gots.
It's called THE ENTIRE POEM,
and not just the celebration of drive-by shootings
in my neighborhood because that's an enduring
comedy set against late-period, pop-construct Linda Vista
(in itself as prefabricated as any Britney Spears).
But I'm at the top of the heap with Allen Ginsberg
and our nerves talk about Frosty The Snowman.
Remember Arnold the pig? That's who I wanted to vote for,
but in a complex and not demagogic way.
The apples in the stereo require the uses of the cookies and
the fleshing out of the non-poet audience requires
the hard-boiling of that darling baroque fantasy About A Boy.
Allen Ginsberg's FBI file could be the greatest pop-punk single of all time,
according to Senate Majority leader John Yau.
This is abstract techno,
stuttered and scraped through a ravenous bird
and the flesh of decomposing humans.
Charles Bernstein writes this kind of thing all the time
and it rarely applies like it does now,
a literary thriller that sold 28 million copies to junkies alone
for a dollar two ninety eight --
less ten.
It obviously didn't win awards for being subtle
and all my energy and talk about poor children,
wagging fingers and William Carlos Williams
bring lofty expectations that inevitably are
talked about from here to O. Henry,
except in cases when Viktor tells us
something about our selves,
our hobbies and nicknames perhaps.
You gotta ask your selves:
If the brightest minds on our planet could produce
such a terrifying weapon of mass destruction
what do you call it when two or more objects
are seen as a Sergio Leone movie?
That's right, you gots.
It's called THE ENTIRE POEM,
and not just the celebration of drive-by shootings
in my neighborhood because that's an enduring
comedy set against late-period, pop-construct Linda Vista
(in itself as prefabricated as any Britney Spears).
But I'm at the top of the heap with Allen Ginsberg
and our nerves talk about Frosty The Snowman.
Remember Arnold the pig? That's who I wanted to vote for,
but in a complex and not demagogic way.
The apples in the stereo require the uses of the cookies and
the fleshing out of the non-poet audience requires
the hard-boiling of that darling baroque fantasy About A Boy.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Personally, I don't recognize any of this shit
Leo cheer or Leo yell.
Collette march slowly.
Bruce beam me up.
I am hurt.
Evan is only kidding.
Meadowlark is blue.
Baretta is barred from giving flowers to the manifold.
Leave them alone.
The beautiful model has no hospital bed.
Just checking with bat-eating man-in-the-street.
This vector or that vector.
Each speaks for peace but death goes on anyway.
Whose bright idea was this?
This gassing or questioning of tables.
This grief that you give me when you pull me by the hair,
the hushedness accelerating with each new tear
or tear.
These flowers may know they're heading nowhere.
These whitened teeth may have their careless stones.
But I don't have the desire
to explain any of this shit in terms that
your number-crunched disdain wouldn't disdain.
And do not call me,
I may be on hold.
And do not look down on me,
I've grown taller from grasping at the weeds
or weeds.
Leo cheer or Leo yell.
Collette march slowly.
Bruce beam me up.
I am hurt.
Evan is only kidding.
Meadowlark is blue.
Baretta is barred from giving flowers to the manifold.
Leave them alone.
The beautiful model has no hospital bed.
Just checking with bat-eating man-in-the-street.
This vector or that vector.
Each speaks for peace but death goes on anyway.
Whose bright idea was this?
This gassing or questioning of tables.
This grief that you give me when you pull me by the hair,
the hushedness accelerating with each new tear
or tear.
These flowers may know they're heading nowhere.
These whitened teeth may have their careless stones.
But I don't have the desire
to explain any of this shit in terms that
your number-crunched disdain wouldn't disdain.
And do not call me,
I may be on hold.
And do not look down on me,
I've grown taller from grasping at the weeds
or weeds.
Friday, October 03, 2003
all day email and cantaloupe tomatoes
Yell produces white food. Hands
win fears detail from court.
Finding natural a lot better
than directly biting dogs from the
center of the seam down to the Petri
Cherney. The contents held under
the demon summer language are
only tired of his fat ass
and his fat formulas
for these would be
cliches in anyone else's fat hands
(take a photo).
Yell produces white food. Hands
win fears detail from court.
Finding natural a lot better
than directly biting dogs from the
center of the seam down to the Petri
Cherney. The contents held under
the demon summer language are
only tired of his fat ass
and his fat formulas
for these would be
cliches in anyone else's fat hands
(take a photo).
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Our minds are more than the retarded argument of delay
We are never selfish,
though I admit that I have learned much in your life
while their bones have not.
Many detergents aspire to lily-of-the-valley mortality.
This time I do not.
Not now. Not since.
Because my child’s holy smile turns out to have been the flu,
not the Throne of Thor.
You're hating me now, I canned laughter it.
But poetry stands in opposition to hate.
Pick a poem, any poem, and find me the hate.
It's not there.
Now love, love is something else.
Outside, across the blue-eyed elastic towns, comes this question:
Still, I must say this to you:
Odor has left its memory.
And hunger allows no shopping.
Use your rebate to help!
Is that a question?
Speak so we owe peaks.
We have a country made of words
bleached against another sky
beaming down almost unimaginable talons.
We are never selfish,
though I admit that I have learned much in your life
while their bones have not.
Many detergents aspire to lily-of-the-valley mortality.
This time I do not.
Not now. Not since.
Because my child’s holy smile turns out to have been the flu,
not the Throne of Thor.
You're hating me now, I canned laughter it.
But poetry stands in opposition to hate.
Pick a poem, any poem, and find me the hate.
It's not there.
Now love, love is something else.
Outside, across the blue-eyed elastic towns, comes this question:
Still, I must say this to you:
Odor has left its memory.
And hunger allows no shopping.
Use your rebate to help!
Is that a question?
Speak so we owe peaks.
We have a country made of words
bleached against another sky
beaming down almost unimaginable talons.
Friday, September 26, 2003
Men learn more from fools than women
I'm working on a “logical” medium for the creative cleaning of drains.
I'm working on a theoretical concept that rescues wing borba from tank bolts.
I'm working on mea culpa.
I'm working on all these animal songs.
I'm working on propellers for poems.
I'm working on Moby's blog Monkey Now.
I'm working on doing this sort of a thing well.
I'm working on a sternum beginning to strain its exaggerated style.
I'm working on a point of view.
I'm working on a perfect game.
I'm working on a persona.
I'm working on a well-chosen phrase.
I'm working on a turkey like a towel.
I'm working on the final couplet of this opening section.
I'm working on a “logical” medium for the creative cleaning of drains.
I'm working on a theoretical concept that rescues wing borba from tank bolts.
I'm working on mea culpa.
I'm working on all these animal songs.
I'm working on propellers for poems.
I'm working on Moby's blog Monkey Now.
I'm working on doing this sort of a thing well.
I'm working on a sternum beginning to strain its exaggerated style.
I'm working on a point of view.
I'm working on a perfect game.
I'm working on a persona.
I'm working on a well-chosen phrase.
I'm working on a turkey like a towel.
I'm working on the final couplet of this opening section.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Imagine you're falling from the sky
You open your eyes and that space between your flippers
Not there
turns off the router and listens to the me
welling up within my mice.
I was shaped in no clear virvidividual shape
I was manipulated by widgets
Spoken to with tongs.
And after all of that negation and despair
and repeating the word "drown" into the stream
where thousands and thousands of hospital beds
like so many Cheese Whizzes
cry "defile is me"
a low dishonest, exalted life
that longs to see the waters filling with fire
The small of my back
backs up into the there's nothing else to do.
The first poet probably spoke to invisible specks
as if they were germ tips
geometric nines that act as they linger in our eyes
but act only as emblematic animals.
You open your eyes and that space between your flippers
Not there
turns off the router and listens to the me
welling up within my mice.
I was shaped in no clear virvidividual shape
I was manipulated by widgets
Spoken to with tongs.
And after all of that negation and despair
and repeating the word "drown" into the stream
where thousands and thousands of hospital beds
like so many Cheese Whizzes
cry "defile is me"
a low dishonest, exalted life
that longs to see the waters filling with fire
The small of my back
backs up into the there's nothing else to do.
The first poet probably spoke to invisible specks
as if they were germ tips
geometric nines that act as they linger in our eyes
but act only as emblematic animals.
That Poem I Wrote The Other Night
to let go
means I haven't let gone
except now the bees build in crevices
where the children play, it's an empty house
no matter how many times you scrub and stare at it.
The police should've been called and the international language
not truncated. You have to fight because when you cover your self
in boards and rocks and scrub the emblem on your club house you're
trapped. You haven't let gone you've let a mux of inverse odor out into the world.
to let go
means I haven't let gone
except now the bees build in crevices
where the children play, it's an empty house
no matter how many times you scrub and stare at it.
The police should've been called and the international language
not truncated. You have to fight because when you cover your self
in boards and rocks and scrub the emblem on your club house you're
trapped. You haven't let gone you've let a mux of inverse odor out into the world.
The Dead Add Another Voice of Reason
Blouse are the ones I want to protect.
And my cat of twenty three lives collec-
tion. Please enjoy the moment, dress her up like
an assembly line. Sleeping on a public bench is fine,
but come in out of the water.
You've heard the unspoken farewells, or you oughta
've, in three languages: Mean, Coarse and Unanswered.
How can I protect my blouse against blizzard?
Is there any hope that a goddamn garden
can stand the complex chaos of one more generation of garden
ers? Are the dead giving me uncontrollable hives
or a pistol-whipping piety broken before it arrives?
Blouse are the ones I want to protect.
And my cat of twenty three lives collec-
tion. Please enjoy the moment, dress her up like
an assembly line. Sleeping on a public bench is fine,
but come in out of the water.
You've heard the unspoken farewells, or you oughta
've, in three languages: Mean, Coarse and Unanswered.
How can I protect my blouse against blizzard?
Is there any hope that a goddamn garden
can stand the complex chaos of one more generation of garden
ers? Are the dead giving me uncontrollable hives
or a pistol-whipping piety broken before it arrives?
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
when the
sun strikes it
and the stayed with
her alone plucks grubs and
compulsories from your head think of
the mother birds of the world, the
transition alone is apathetic to anything except that
what effects them and their mud hut hurricane personally.
I was
born out of
love so that I
might not feel comfortable bringing
grubs and flies to the top
of the tributary, barricaded as it is
with wood and moss and plums that are
red instead of plum, compulsory instead of couched in
when the
sun strikes it
and the stayed with
her alone plucks grubs and
compulsories from your head think of
the mother birds of the world, the
transition alone is apathetic to anything except that
what effects them and their mud hut hurricane personally.
I was
born out of
love so that I
might not feel comfortable bringing
grubs and flies to the top
of the tributary, barricaded as it is
with wood and moss and plums that are
red instead of plum, compulsory instead of couched in
Monday, September 15, 2003
They Too Are Starfish
You are punching the lights out of tiny skulls
and replacing them with amusement as to
why we read. Piece the toaster back together,
I respond to sound. Again, you are punching
what is "well" and piecing it back together
as "the best I can do." But "the best you can do"
is, "well," a lot of it is crap. I know there are
better words, like "prophet" and "pike" and
"kick-ass" but, to be honest, the Dalai Lama is
visiting and I don't have the floor, prick or
gumption to tell him that this page is far
too uncomfortable or that the hole in your
chest is too far gone. I made this up at the
Algonquin Hotel for the Badly Shot Up,
the proceeds will go to new ideas and to
the house band. Remember that just past the
guilt-edged matrix of seeing is a vast cast-
off god, taller and more genuine than any
yeast yearning to see the association of
childhood sexual abuse and the wings I've
sprouted into my belly like a cork or a
language poem. Washington ties its self
to one gate and Natalie Merchant to another.
This is automatically seen as the denaturing
of nature, as if Dallas and Chris Tyndall both
spoke so slowly that you could be in the
countrified air of Austin or in a fortified bunker
2,000 miles below the earth's surface in
Saskatchewan perfectly tricking the equation
into thinking that it solved the problem and
that the toaster is actually a flower that can
say something meaningful. Perhaps it's just
the choir preaching to the choir boy, but it
pisses me off! Because when I get up in the
"morning" it's not really a strange, fluttering
machine shop complicated by the dense
and meaningless cries of the wreckage. No.
Coherence needs a human element. Your
eyes are wide open your mouth and you
laugh "This virus is MINE!" and this snow-
cricket and this coaxial wire and this hope
that the screws in your thumb are not the
rule but the hummingbird for articulating
what many of us think. What we think is
that the brain is as dangerous and irresistible
as the briar patch and that at the center of that
patch is the fear of death. The hinge is the
line break, patches overlapping their attempt
to make us "see" the ghost instead of the
furniture inexplicably moving.
You are punching the lights out of tiny skulls
and replacing them with amusement as to
why we read. Piece the toaster back together,
I respond to sound. Again, you are punching
what is "well" and piecing it back together
as "the best I can do." But "the best you can do"
is, "well," a lot of it is crap. I know there are
better words, like "prophet" and "pike" and
"kick-ass" but, to be honest, the Dalai Lama is
visiting and I don't have the floor, prick or
gumption to tell him that this page is far
too uncomfortable or that the hole in your
chest is too far gone. I made this up at the
Algonquin Hotel for the Badly Shot Up,
the proceeds will go to new ideas and to
the house band. Remember that just past the
guilt-edged matrix of seeing is a vast cast-
off god, taller and more genuine than any
yeast yearning to see the association of
childhood sexual abuse and the wings I've
sprouted into my belly like a cork or a
language poem. Washington ties its self
to one gate and Natalie Merchant to another.
This is automatically seen as the denaturing
of nature, as if Dallas and Chris Tyndall both
spoke so slowly that you could be in the
countrified air of Austin or in a fortified bunker
2,000 miles below the earth's surface in
Saskatchewan perfectly tricking the equation
into thinking that it solved the problem and
that the toaster is actually a flower that can
say something meaningful. Perhaps it's just
the choir preaching to the choir boy, but it
pisses me off! Because when I get up in the
"morning" it's not really a strange, fluttering
machine shop complicated by the dense
and meaningless cries of the wreckage. No.
Coherence needs a human element. Your
eyes are wide open your mouth and you
laugh "This virus is MINE!" and this snow-
cricket and this coaxial wire and this hope
that the screws in your thumb are not the
rule but the hummingbird for articulating
what many of us think. What we think is
that the brain is as dangerous and irresistible
as the briar patch and that at the center of that
patch is the fear of death. The hinge is the
line break, patches overlapping their attempt
to make us "see" the ghost instead of the
furniture inexplicably moving.
Friday, September 12, 2003
gender & war (& Arafat)
America Goes to War New fashion of this Spring
As Bart Simpson would say: hell; hell; hell; hell; endless wealth.
I had a cat of twenty lives. Says them.
Korea and another jackass country.
They're so smug that my sublet and my hat is off limits to them.
Let's face within it, we all share the same sins,
mine just have me grasping at sponge members.
Sponge members, earthquakes and some lava.
Lava that is deep and glad and does not stick to their enemies.
Their enemies have delivered themselves to a new pub in China.
I deliver my self to some router farm outside Cork.
The present bulletin is this:
bored people take everything from the value of freedom.
They take it and screw your nose into it.
I've never done that but I'm just a flash away...
and my last name in Spanish means: this thing in my belly is building a house.
What bird said that?
At 17 I sat at a table with tears so old the world seemed young.
So young that perhaps we too will be given an everlasting burning stick of incense,
but because I bought the Gentleman's Package
I'll have to mail my soul to where the building fell down.
The building fell down and all of the lamps went out.
I could see the pain and the loss and walked among some of the dead,
sharp shooting cads and quiet birds circled overhead.
I had the idea of coming and my eyelids went out like lamps,
I fell onto a vacuum cleaner and started dancing, my heart on fantasies
because rodents by nature move inward, not outward.
Your cat may miss you but it's lower moral code, like burning tongs,
will sing to you the law of new nutshells only interrupted by attempts to sell products.
Products that bring grubs and flies to the terror in the world.
The terror in the world is not beyond belief.
We stick together and show an affirming flame.
We were placed on this earth at the forge and
as soon as I stop clawing and clobbering and choking and pulverizing
I will skip stones across the dagger of the wind.
Wait, that was mostly childish, reflecting and bouncing out the door
like when you lift your arms to the great oleander in the sky,
the sky diverging so slowly that they think we are looking back at them
with the swimming movements of the dead fronting
for my compassion and kindness
which are out grazing in a haunted wood or lost in the dew.
The Palm Beach County cops will crack down on this type of movement,
slowly shrinking the name as attached to the picture.
But somehow the head remains. Oh well, while I drink on a public bench
my name is not attached to the picture. The sea is deep and glad to see you.
A life like this is crinkly, a life like yours is fraught with troubled rage,
with a thousand winds that blow the zeta strip in the courts of misinformation.
Its message is a big, round, childish hand
wakened to the zilog of the elliptical our bodies encompass.
It's a phantom Russia, a Russia that finds its continuing self on the crimson sofa.
It uses its mouth like your tongue uses its teeth. A voice like thunder
thunders through the repetition of pronouncement.
I've watched this pronouncement corrupting history and hampering the cravings
but we remain blinking apertures of a dishonest decade.
The face within it is born by the bird they were (POW! apart!).
I was asked to write a poem that would RUN,
and I composed like them, straight into an apothecaric grave.
Give me the hippy lettuce or give me death!
The window's over there.
Would you call my friends other devices?
No, I would call my friends the mantle of ruin
or any number of aphrodisiacs,
thank you very much Mr. Samuel Johnson.
America Goes to War New fashion of this Spring
As Bart Simpson would say: hell; hell; hell; hell; endless wealth.
I had a cat of twenty lives. Says them.
Korea and another jackass country.
They're so smug that my sublet and my hat is off limits to them.
Let's face within it, we all share the same sins,
mine just have me grasping at sponge members.
Sponge members, earthquakes and some lava.
Lava that is deep and glad and does not stick to their enemies.
Their enemies have delivered themselves to a new pub in China.
I deliver my self to some router farm outside Cork.
The present bulletin is this:
bored people take everything from the value of freedom.
They take it and screw your nose into it.
I've never done that but I'm just a flash away...
and my last name in Spanish means: this thing in my belly is building a house.
What bird said that?
At 17 I sat at a table with tears so old the world seemed young.
So young that perhaps we too will be given an everlasting burning stick of incense,
but because I bought the Gentleman's Package
I'll have to mail my soul to where the building fell down.
The building fell down and all of the lamps went out.
I could see the pain and the loss and walked among some of the dead,
sharp shooting cads and quiet birds circled overhead.
I had the idea of coming and my eyelids went out like lamps,
I fell onto a vacuum cleaner and started dancing, my heart on fantasies
because rodents by nature move inward, not outward.
Your cat may miss you but it's lower moral code, like burning tongs,
will sing to you the law of new nutshells only interrupted by attempts to sell products.
Products that bring grubs and flies to the terror in the world.
The terror in the world is not beyond belief.
We stick together and show an affirming flame.
We were placed on this earth at the forge and
as soon as I stop clawing and clobbering and choking and pulverizing
I will skip stones across the dagger of the wind.
Wait, that was mostly childish, reflecting and bouncing out the door
like when you lift your arms to the great oleander in the sky,
the sky diverging so slowly that they think we are looking back at them
with the swimming movements of the dead fronting
for my compassion and kindness
which are out grazing in a haunted wood or lost in the dew.
The Palm Beach County cops will crack down on this type of movement,
slowly shrinking the name as attached to the picture.
But somehow the head remains. Oh well, while I drink on a public bench
my name is not attached to the picture. The sea is deep and glad to see you.
A life like this is crinkly, a life like yours is fraught with troubled rage,
with a thousand winds that blow the zeta strip in the courts of misinformation.
Its message is a big, round, childish hand
wakened to the zilog of the elliptical our bodies encompass.
It's a phantom Russia, a Russia that finds its continuing self on the crimson sofa.
It uses its mouth like your tongue uses its teeth. A voice like thunder
thunders through the repetition of pronouncement.
I've watched this pronouncement corrupting history and hampering the cravings
but we remain blinking apertures of a dishonest decade.
The face within it is born by the bird they were (POW! apart!).
I was asked to write a poem that would RUN,
and I composed like them, straight into an apothecaric grave.
Give me the hippy lettuce or give me death!
The window's over there.
Would you call my friends other devices?
No, I would call my friends the mantle of ruin
or any number of aphrodisiacs,
thank you very much Mr. Samuel Johnson.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Life of the dead
I am not there.
I do not sleep.
All I do is trademarks and logos
and -- no pun intended --
I hurt them early -- around May 25 --
often -- some days I only watch one channel --
and I don't get dressed every day --
only for watching movies.
Imagine that the beach is one woman's square sheets
and another's infinite absurdity.
Gradually, what I had to do --
I'm wearing the kahukus of Sun Ra --
well, I don’t know that I HAD to, but
I did and I'm proud -- I'd
call my friends on a device
other than my own pocket.
In this way they bore it long --
they bore it like these words bore a hole
in a dead man's eyebrows,
like the random walk that one takes
with narrow, probing eyes.
Imperialism's face, anal administrators --
Don't degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.
The buzzing of a bee outside this paragraph.
I am not there.
I do not sleep.
All I do is trademarks and logos
and -- no pun intended --
I hurt them early -- around May 25 --
often -- some days I only watch one channel --
and I don't get dressed every day --
only for watching movies.
Imagine that the beach is one woman's square sheets
and another's infinite absurdity.
Gradually, what I had to do --
I'm wearing the kahukus of Sun Ra --
well, I don’t know that I HAD to, but
I did and I'm proud -- I'd
call my friends on a device
other than my own pocket.
In this way they bore it long --
they bore it like these words bore a hole
in a dead man's eyebrows,
like the random walk that one takes
with narrow, probing eyes.
Imperialism's face, anal administrators --
Don't degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.
The buzzing of a bee outside this paragraph.
Sunday, July 27, 2003
I'm Proud To Be An American
Where at least I know that the
the language that capitalist interests and
the government bombard us with
is 100% Genu-Wine Frontier Gibberish!
Where at least I know that the
the language that capitalist interests and
the government bombard us with
is 100% Genu-Wine Frontier Gibberish!
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Are You A Psycho?
1. You are on the way to obtain a professional opportunity.
But you are in competition with a colleague who obstructs
you and who it will be necessary for you to eliminate.
You say to your various selves:
a) Not the problem. In any case, why should any of us be concerned with him?
b) No sorrow, I have already all that I can wish for in this life, one more dead body won't matter.
c) We have ambitions, but not professional ambitions, just the ambitions to not be obstructed.
2. You are in the car on the motorway, when a serious accident occurs suddenly and in front of you.
When you arrive at the scene you:
a) exceed the speed limit, the accident, and your own self without paying attention to it
b) stop and you worry about the head of one of the victims
c) slow down by delicately pushing on the brakes with the idea that you might see something
3. Your vision of the future, it would rather be:
a) No future
b) Further, higher, more extremely future
c) Wisdom, love, happiness, puppies
4. Which historical character smells nearest like your selves:
a) Napoleon
b) Joan of Arc
c) Charlize Theron
5. As a Professional Trader, you ensure the management of a significant stock exchange wallet, but insistent rumors of a crash seem to specify you and itself in Wall Street:
a) You scan quotations, using anxiety to direct your decisions
b) You definitely keep the wallet as money really never belongs to anyone
c) You remain impenetrable and do what Charlize Theron would do
6: Which type of emotion usually takes the most evil for you to control?
a) The anger
b) The remorse
c) The scaling of cliffs
7. You're a Professional Killer and you must carry out a contract in a public place. At the time to shoot, you realize that your "target" is surrounded by many other "targets". What do you do?
a) Too much risky, you decide to give an execution later
b) You shoot in the confidence that your target will surely be in the heap
c) You hate the weapon you're using
8. As regards how you look in a vest, you think that you are:
a) always divided into sheets like magazines with suicidal tendencies
b) carrying it well and it reassures you that you would attract the sympathy of any entourage
c) the one who anticipates and brings the noise
9. Your ideal gift, it would be:
a) A room with mirrors, ceiling and a TV
b) A jet deprived for all of your displacements
c) Love
10. And for you, as regards sexuality, it would be rather:
a) just for your self for the rest of your life
b) whenever someone takes you
c) all solutions are possible
1. You are on the way to obtain a professional opportunity.
But you are in competition with a colleague who obstructs
you and who it will be necessary for you to eliminate.
You say to your various selves:
a) Not the problem. In any case, why should any of us be concerned with him?
b) No sorrow, I have already all that I can wish for in this life, one more dead body won't matter.
c) We have ambitions, but not professional ambitions, just the ambitions to not be obstructed.
2. You are in the car on the motorway, when a serious accident occurs suddenly and in front of you.
When you arrive at the scene you:
a) exceed the speed limit, the accident, and your own self without paying attention to it
b) stop and you worry about the head of one of the victims
c) slow down by delicately pushing on the brakes with the idea that you might see something
3. Your vision of the future, it would rather be:
a) No future
b) Further, higher, more extremely future
c) Wisdom, love, happiness, puppies
4. Which historical character smells nearest like your selves:
a) Napoleon
b) Joan of Arc
c) Charlize Theron
5. As a Professional Trader, you ensure the management of a significant stock exchange wallet, but insistent rumors of a crash seem to specify you and itself in Wall Street:
a) You scan quotations, using anxiety to direct your decisions
b) You definitely keep the wallet as money really never belongs to anyone
c) You remain impenetrable and do what Charlize Theron would do
6: Which type of emotion usually takes the most evil for you to control?
a) The anger
b) The remorse
c) The scaling of cliffs
7. You're a Professional Killer and you must carry out a contract in a public place. At the time to shoot, you realize that your "target" is surrounded by many other "targets". What do you do?
a) Too much risky, you decide to give an execution later
b) You shoot in the confidence that your target will surely be in the heap
c) You hate the weapon you're using
8. As regards how you look in a vest, you think that you are:
a) always divided into sheets like magazines with suicidal tendencies
b) carrying it well and it reassures you that you would attract the sympathy of any entourage
c) the one who anticipates and brings the noise
9. Your ideal gift, it would be:
a) A room with mirrors, ceiling and a TV
b) A jet deprived for all of your displacements
c) Love
10. And for you, as regards sexuality, it would be rather:
a) just for your self for the rest of your life
b) whenever someone takes you
c) all solutions are possible
Monday, July 21, 2003
Large french fry sells for $202 on eBay
A reputation for quality, for flesh-curdling. As if I repeat my self.
A surf, a unyielding surf, the joys of repression. As if I repeat my self.
A look at some current and new, deeply skewed, makeshift scenarios.
As if in repeating my self I can afford to die in Tokyo.
I don't remember.
But even the most uneven teen movie expresses the lowest level of ceremony.
Ask any heavily sedated opportunist.
I'm not depressed I'm just fucking angry,
a new breed of mutt.
Shoot the skeet, Funky Winkerbean, Millard Fillmore.
There should be a levy on cows when farmers go postal,
and I should've been dead a few days ago but I'M A TEAM PLAYER.
A reputation for quality, for flesh-curdling. As if I repeat my self.
A surf, a unyielding surf, the joys of repression. As if I repeat my self.
A look at some current and new, deeply skewed, makeshift scenarios.
As if in repeating my self I can afford to die in Tokyo.
I don't remember.
But even the most uneven teen movie expresses the lowest level of ceremony.
Ask any heavily sedated opportunist.
I'm not depressed I'm just fucking angry,
a new breed of mutt.
Shoot the skeet, Funky Winkerbean, Millard Fillmore.
There should be a levy on cows when farmers go postal,
and I should've been dead a few days ago but I'M A TEAM PLAYER.
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Wholesale murder is a bad thing
but who can speak for the dumb?
We are closed-in,
not sticks of burning incense
I was not through desiring Emily Dickinson.
but who can speak for the dumb?
We are closed-in,
not sticks of burning incense
I was not through desiring Emily Dickinson.
Politimking Extexsible
The same doey of chuletas that meeps the sponge of menger
here reflects genuine personal experience.
No medicine is for everyone,
except sexually transmitted diseases.
Above all, don't fool yourself, don't say
"Beleaguered by the same XL glipizide
I'm dreaming my way back through life."
Because if you get angina or chest pain (also known as angina)
then flail because that is cobject nonsense,
the kind of nonsense that is really a seahorse.
If in sharp shooting they give data to the polymorphic vacuums,
the unit balls of negative, then I from my sofa
will drown the throat of war in lucid metal sweat,
a faint warm haze forming which makes them lift their oars
and, syllable by syllable, claw and handle
the swimming movements of snow.
The same doey of chuletas that meeps the sponge of menger
here reflects genuine personal experience.
No medicine is for everyone,
except sexually transmitted diseases.
Above all, don't fool yourself, don't say
"Beleaguered by the same XL glipizide
I'm dreaming my way back through life."
Because if you get angina or chest pain (also known as angina)
then flail because that is cobject nonsense,
the kind of nonsense that is really a seahorse.
If in sharp shooting they give data to the polymorphic vacuums,
the unit balls of negative, then I from my sofa
will drown the throat of war in lucid metal sweat,
a faint warm haze forming which makes them lift their oars
and, syllable by syllable, claw and handle
the swimming movements of snow.
Friday, July 11, 2003
The rain falls, drugged by the hum
Insert a uniquely Finnish poem about joyful lovers here.
Insert a uniquely Finnish poem about joyful lovers here.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
See "Being Alive in the Heart of Broken Parts"
or "The Poet-As-Grief-Counselor Conundrum"
What about the half of the comb of Koch attention?
I want to draw its shape.
The U.S. is a country of words and shattered teeth,
interrupted only by attempts to sell products to the unborn,
as well as any man our Indian heads I win, tails you lose.
Come on! We're feeling fulfilled.
We're feeling so slowly fulfilled,
lest we should see who we are
and how we're about to crash.
or "The Poet-As-Grief-Counselor Conundrum"
What about the half of the comb of Koch attention?
I want to draw its shape.
The U.S. is a country of words and shattered teeth,
interrupted only by attempts to sell products to the unborn,
as well as any man our Indian heads I win, tails you lose.
Come on! We're feeling fulfilled.
We're feeling so slowly fulfilled,
lest we should see who we are
and how we're about to crash.
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Firing Artillery And Yelling At The Tailor
What I should've known
is this:
I should have known what
the color I'm thinking of is
and that it's dangling.
When the sun strikes it strikes you right in the
City of Sheep.
Do not turn away.
Do us a service.
Death--which comes to mind--is but one--and comes but once--
perhaps for the last time--
Take it by the scruff and scrub it to and fro.
You let the terrible stranger in (see "Being Repaired In Rivers 54")
and she gave e to the z on the imaginary rock of the terminal
cancer, quiet birds circling the assembly line.
The quiet birds bring lice and lungworms,
grubs, horn flies and sarcoptic mange mites.
What I should've known
is this:
I should have known what
the color I'm thinking of is
and that it's dangling.
When the sun strikes it strikes you right in the
City of Sheep.
Do not turn away.
Do us a service.
Death--which comes to mind--is but one--and comes but once--
perhaps for the last time--
Take it by the scruff and scrub it to and fro.
You let the terrible stranger in (see "Being Repaired In Rivers 54")
and she gave e to the z on the imaginary rock of the terminal
cancer, quiet birds circling the assembly line.
The quiet birds bring lice and lungworms,
grubs, horn flies and sarcoptic mange mites.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
and all this while I've been shopping
Cement Cloud
You like to enjoy the moment with your family,
Even when they are Velcro'd to and rolling in dead flies.
If there is any hope, staple it to the template of your upper lip.
That will keep the fire approaching.
As I try to think, the pain that I never saw and the love that I never got
swallow up what I should have been.
But this lifting of metal wings -- I mean "hospital beds"
is now all over the ground. It's all over the ground
and one of the bellboys with their careless stories
arrives with their careless newspapers tucked under their careless
router -- some of them smiling.
Love, the second it is erased, is that horrific
yesterday when you celebrated its birth.
And as late as yesterday Nature still exists.
It's unfortunate and complex too.
There is nothing more to say.
The unmentionable odor of death and dead flies
lock-up this neutral air like a slowly-suffocated, stifling wall.
Love is something else:
your magnificent disdain, your trying to read an unreadable message,
your sleeping on a public bench, your air, your absolute sound.
Its wonderful. I mean: It's wonderful. It's the fertilization of your hand
with the sub-human robotic scum.
What is done is shut and still.
What is shrouded is hidden and about to sprout.
The honey-bees, whose barrier you submerge in plantation,
in misfortune even, take solace in this note that someone else is writing.
You like to enjoy the moment with your family,
Even when they are Velcro'd to and rolling in dead flies.
If there is any hope, staple it to the template of your upper lip.
That will keep the fire approaching.
As I try to think, the pain that I never saw and the love that I never got
swallow up what I should have been.
But this lifting of metal wings -- I mean "hospital beds"
is now all over the ground. It's all over the ground
and one of the bellboys with their careless stories
arrives with their careless newspapers tucked under their careless
router -- some of them smiling.
Love, the second it is erased, is that horrific
yesterday when you celebrated its birth.
And as late as yesterday Nature still exists.
It's unfortunate and complex too.
There is nothing more to say.
The unmentionable odor of death and dead flies
lock-up this neutral air like a slowly-suffocated, stifling wall.
Love is something else:
your magnificent disdain, your trying to read an unreadable message,
your sleeping on a public bench, your air, your absolute sound.
Its wonderful. I mean: It's wonderful. It's the fertilization of your hand
with the sub-human robotic scum.
What is done is shut and still.
What is shrouded is hidden and about to sprout.
The honey-bees, whose barrier you submerge in plantation,
in misfortune even, take solace in this note that someone else is writing.
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Free and unable to be
Imagine January and the beach and you have my last name in Spanish
Imagine the congealed fist of the past
Imagine it opened while I was out shopping
Imagine the Memorial day for the war dead
Imagine what is found there or the lack of what is found there
Imagine that civilization itself is doomed to an anarchist theory premised on a subjective 'conscience-ethic'
Imagine me up against meow
Imagine January and the beach and you have my last name in Spanish
Imagine the congealed fist of the past
Imagine it opened while I was out shopping
Imagine the Memorial day for the war dead
Imagine what is found there or the lack of what is found there
Imagine that civilization itself is doomed to an anarchist theory premised on a subjective 'conscience-ethic'
Imagine me up against meow
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
The Chickening
People dance with their fingers encircling the chicken glaze, clinging to
the edges of their chicken eyes
they speak that way because they're chickens—
it's reassuring to me, the me who gets his feathers ruffled
quite easily, the me who sounds like a comb with crab legs
being plucked by a chicken with a nine-digit zip-code—
Lest we allow ourselves to fall into some kind of thimble lunacy—
the headless chicken's body struggling through the grass but unable to remember why—
and this not knowing is a part of the grace of knowing what must be done,
even the drunkest chicken cannot remember what it was like before
it's head was lopped off like someone's arm
and at this moment, which is unlike any other moment,
your own voice rises up to cluck out its last cluck.
People dance with their fingers encircling the chicken glaze, clinging to
the edges of their chicken eyes
they speak that way because they're chickens—
it's reassuring to me, the me who gets his feathers ruffled
quite easily, the me who sounds like a comb with crab legs
being plucked by a chicken with a nine-digit zip-code—
Lest we allow ourselves to fall into some kind of thimble lunacy—
the headless chicken's body struggling through the grass but unable to remember why—
and this not knowing is a part of the grace of knowing what must be done,
even the drunkest chicken cannot remember what it was like before
it's head was lopped off like someone's arm
and at this moment, which is unlike any other moment,
your own voice rises up to cluck out its last cluck.
Friday, June 27, 2003
Shaken Not My-Immortal-Soul-Driven-To-Madness
Tap it from the neighbors, vampire tap it.
Birds of the first light, shaken.
I love to love the words in you, 62.
The street with my son this morning, his form straight-up even though he is captive.
The tops of trees perch on a picture frame.
Who created you?!
I feel nothing but envy: a garden that expands!
Fondness unexpressed for your friends from Hell.
The metasurface of meatballs.
What is it like to live in a country so muscular?
White all over the ground, male tortoise adolescence.
One woman's holiness is another woman's distribution of primes.
The streets are cordoned off with apple blossoms.
The dead see scrolls.
Tap it from the neighbors, vampire tap it.
Birds of the first light, shaken.
I love to love the words in you, 62.
The street with my son this morning, his form straight-up even though he is captive.
The tops of trees perch on a picture frame.
Who created you?!
I feel nothing but envy: a garden that expands!
Fondness unexpressed for your friends from Hell.
The metasurface of meatballs.
What is it like to live in a country so muscular?
White all over the ground, male tortoise adolescence.
One woman's holiness is another woman's distribution of primes.
The streets are cordoned off with apple blossoms.
The dead see scrolls.
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Swish Tippet
Syllable by syllable, claw by claw
only the shadows are doomed.
Still, the rain falls
drugged by the hum in an apple blossom.
But who can live for long
while my bones gently weep?
Enough with your joy,
the power of I
handles dialogues and plans as well as its cameras and flings.
Moreover it shows that those who seek to die
inevitably end very badly.
Syllable by syllable, claw by claw
only the shadows are doomed.
Still, the rain falls
drugged by the hum in an apple blossom.
But who can live for long
while my bones gently weep?
Enough with your joy,
the power of I
handles dialogues and plans as well as its cameras and flings.
Moreover it shows that those who seek to die
inevitably end very badly.
For once, California is not a balanced naynar
the horror of the family espousing into flames.
This very personal work does not belong to any kind.
Monday, June 23, 2003
Sunrise in Different Dimensions
Sun Ra is a series of circumstances -
accidental if we want -
and they concur like evidence
planted with the history to focus
between tradition and the estro-futurist of its own conception.
In the first place the formation
in the second the testimony
curious, linens-up, lacking in the dark
a trombone, therefore a splendid pair,
assholio of the first two
they are distinguished by parts
and taken to the one chosen to avoid.
Sun Ra is a series of circumstances -
accidental if we want -
and they concur like evidence
planted with the history to focus
between tradition and the estro-futurist of its own conception.
In the first place the formation
in the second the testimony
curious, linens-up, lacking in the dark
a trombone, therefore a splendid pair,
assholio of the first two
they are distinguished by parts
and taken to the one chosen to avoid.
The last couple of days
They had gardens and they had mornings,
not sticks of burning incense but
stacks of one, both sides of the hat remarkable
enough with the love that
you like to enjoy with your family -- or yell
reflecting and bouncing
off the promiscuous fork as it
finds its tuning as the
derober of the one, of Della
an Easter-size givaba of the gonabye.
We are waves upon waves
that cross the double secret turf
gentleness and goodness going, boing, going, boing
going, boing
They had gardens and they had mornings,
not sticks of burning incense but
stacks of one, both sides of the hat remarkable
enough with the love that
you like to enjoy with your family -- or yell
reflecting and bouncing
off the promiscuous fork as it
finds its tuning as the
derober of the one, of Della
an Easter-size givaba of the gonabye.
We are waves upon waves
that cross the double secret turf
gentleness and goodness going, boing, going, boing
going, boing
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Moving, raw and violent
Moving, raw and violent --
amusing, unconventional and poetic.
The most personal language is unexpected temporal jolts
of style, some predefined, some placed
with a dazzling coldness but always crashing
against the "forces of the evil", confining
talks to silence and killing to a game of guns
firing the blanks of artifice.
But it is this facility or extreme tension to smile,
where a cake slice, a malnutritioned photographer,
a child with its northern-facing face desperate with joy,
the rin-tin-tinning of a bell at the monastery,
face sinking in the snow as it out-races a rocket into the nocturnal sky,
its personage a prisoner of its own solitude,
piece of real estate in river floats to the sea
while the wheels of its chair begin to sink in the bathed sand.
Solar images of animals from beyond the dead fill up the screen
with joy and lightness in a suicide relegated to the narrow borders of burlap
where the ghosts of the past say to be alive
is also to be stealing the mutilated words of the dead.
I'm just speaking out loud and imagining that you're listening.
Moving, raw and violent --
amusing, unconventional and poetic.
The most personal language is unexpected temporal jolts
of style, some predefined, some placed
with a dazzling coldness but always crashing
against the "forces of the evil", confining
talks to silence and killing to a game of guns
firing the blanks of artifice.
But it is this facility or extreme tension to smile,
where a cake slice, a malnutritioned photographer,
a child with its northern-facing face desperate with joy,
the rin-tin-tinning of a bell at the monastery,
face sinking in the snow as it out-races a rocket into the nocturnal sky,
its personage a prisoner of its own solitude,
piece of real estate in river floats to the sea
while the wheels of its chair begin to sink in the bathed sand.
Solar images of animals from beyond the dead fill up the screen
with joy and lightness in a suicide relegated to the narrow borders of burlap
where the ghosts of the past say to be alive
is also to be stealing the mutilated words of the dead.
I'm just speaking out loud and imagining that you're listening.
Thursday, June 12, 2003
boom manzai
The cocktail tension,
vague in its futile daze,
takes great pains to be dumb.
And as surely as one releases a red cord,
a beautiful face or an average set of bandages,
eternal emotions are expressed by precious wrists
and delicately interrelated bites of sadness.
The cocktail tension,
vague in its futile daze,
takes great pains to be dumb.
And as surely as one releases a red cord,
a beautiful face or an average set of bandages,
eternal emotions are expressed by precious wrists
and delicately interrelated bites of sadness.
the interval between stripteases
Towards the snow and then towards the sea, in a travel without return,
it buys a stolen taxi but obtains a clamorous one, like an anchorman,
before landing with the force and the figurative imagination
of the richest apparatus of images you can buy
(bet on the unconscious one).
Towards the snow and then towards the sea, in a travel without return,
it buys a stolen taxi but obtains a clamorous one, like an anchorman,
before landing with the force and the figurative imagination
of the richest apparatus of images you can buy
(bet on the unconscious one).
Running away from the brutality of the great urban centers
is like if I hurl a baseball while holding the tips of a pipe.
Together the untied fogos of artifice are being confused by a truck
and suffer a tumble. This curious fact tries to mount one meaning for its small parts.
The duality is the proper capitalist model, enter necessities and construct obfuscations.
Consume the facts, rescue the heroic form for another one,
Parcel out the pessimism, but of another kind, the spiritual kind,
and you have the limits of this world.
Running away from the brutality of the great urban centers
is like if I hurl a baseball while holding the tips of a pipe.
Together the untied fogos of artifice are being confused by a truck
and suffer a tumble. This curious fact tries to mount one meaning for its small parts.
The duality is the proper capitalist model, enter necessities and construct obfuscations.
Consume the facts, rescue the heroic form for another one,
Parcel out the pessimism, but of another kind, the spiritual kind,
and you have the limits of this world.
The disenchantment, the resignation, the despair,
the humor on loan from naivete,
the raising the bet to sign at the same time,
the past, taken down a number of prices,
the heroic butchery,
the old reference mark,
the flash back introduction,
the tribulations rather than the morals,
the Japanese culture which one does not touch,
the physical contacts in public,
the relationship developed between moments of trouble and waiting,
the confidence and the self-sacrifice for others,
the art to sail without a transition,
the idea that the individual must end up illusory,
the car-sacrifice to create a future,
The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond,
the old symbolic system that completes the century by committing suicide,
the new one as a generous obstetrician.
The disenchantment, the resignation, the despair,
the humor on loan from naivete,
the raising the bet to sign at the same time,
the past, taken down a number of prices,
the heroic butchery,
the old reference mark,
the flash back introduction,
the tribulations rather than the morals,
the Japanese culture which one does not touch,
the physical contacts in public,
the relationship developed between moments of trouble and waiting,
the confidence and the self-sacrifice for others,
the art to sail without a transition,
the idea that the individual must end up illusory,
the car-sacrifice to create a future,
The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond,
the old symbolic system that completes the century by committing suicide,
the new one as a generous obstetrician.
Violent Cop
The policeman Azuma (really "Beat" Takeshi, that is T. Kitano)
of the Square Homicides is a hard one:
undisciplined towards the advanced ones,
rude with the recruits who nap without following regulations,
a little raspy in speech.
But when he discovers that his brother's hands
are pasted in drug traffic, he goes outside of his head
and into a police scenario like many others,
except this one does not have all the Variety cakes to define it.
The policeman Azuma (really "Beat" Takeshi, that is T. Kitano)
of the Square Homicides is a hard one:
undisciplined towards the advanced ones,
rude with the recruits who nap without following regulations,
a little raspy in speech.
But when he discovers that his brother's hands
are pasted in drug traffic, he goes outside of his head
and into a police scenario like many others,
except this one does not have all the Variety cakes to define it.
Legacies from a long, red rope.
Two loving young people ramble
in search of that they have tragically lost:
a young disfigured POP star.
Legacies from a long, red rope.
Two loving young people ramble
in search of that they have tragically lost:
a young disfigured POP star.
Takeshi Kitano
There is a kind of schizophrenia about Kitano.
Or a deep, perpetual misunderstanding.
Some see him as a funambulist, a comic,
an insane fury who cumulates his emissions
by turning on the TV and watching W.C. Fields movies.
There is a kind of schizophrenia about Kitano.
Or a deep, perpetual misunderstanding.
Some see him as a funambulist, a comic,
an insane fury who cumulates his emissions
by turning on the TV and watching W.C. Fields movies.
Bread ago
Yamamoto is a merciless Yakuza
and proceeds with used hardness against a gang.
All are shot short-hand style,
brutally and calmly at the same time.
Yamamoto is a merciless Yakuza
and proceeds with used hardness against a gang.
All are shot short-hand style,
brutally and calmly at the same time.
Tokyo Eyes
In Tokyo a young man excites large attention because he shoots at humans.
However, he consciously misses the young sister of the determining policeman
and thus an unusual dear history takes its run.
Even the somewhat ironical appearance of Takeshi Kitano
does not make a better film which falls rather into the category of
waste of time or boring and drainpipey.
In Tokyo a young man excites large attention because he shoots at humans.
However, he consciously misses the young sister of the determining policeman
and thus an unusual dear history takes its run.
Even the somewhat ironical appearance of Takeshi Kitano
does not make a better film which falls rather into the category of
waste of time or boring and drainpipey.
Kikujiros summer
The small Masao wants to visit its nut/mother
on an adventurous odyssey with many scurried incidents.
Takeshi Kitano tells a calm story between melancholy and omitted amusement.
Funny figures, crude ideas and shimmied pictures provide the best maintenance
that some lengths exhibit only now and then.
The small Masao wants to visit its nut/mother
on an adventurous odyssey with many scurried incidents.
Takeshi Kitano tells a calm story between melancholy and omitted amusement.
Funny figures, crude ideas and shimmied pictures provide the best maintenance
that some lengths exhibit only now and then.
Cars can build it,
they can sell their shame-hair into hand-bags,
furnish schlafkabinnen in supermarkets,
which is sometimes somewhat with difficulty understandable
because the concern here is ridiculous prize money,
little aesthetic plays and the none-too-often beer-serious quiz shows.
However, just as level-less as TV gets -- or something like that --
simply look three times at a picture if you want my judgement.
Cars can build it,
they can sell their shame-hair into hand-bags,
furnish schlafkabinnen in supermarkets,
which is sometimes somewhat with difficulty understandable
because the concern here is ridiculous prize money,
little aesthetic plays and the none-too-often beer-serious quiz shows.
However, just as level-less as TV gets -- or something like that --
simply look three times at a picture if you want my judgement.
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Takeshi lost
The general is overjoyed.
That's wackeren, fella, Takeshi is defeated
but does not wait for promises.
Tomorrow is further than a hundred and one miles away
and steering the moon is over-human and out.
The general is overjoyed.
That's wackeren, fella, Takeshi is defeated
but does not wait for promises.
Tomorrow is further than a hundred and one miles away
and steering the moon is over-human and out.
The barbar bars
A goal is to be arrived at completely.
Takeshi's aids shoot their balls at everyone on the wobbly bridge
and dare themselves to elevate the fear in opposite directions.
This goes over as surly over at the flour sump.
But during the transition the direction of the rotation changes
as one who shifts their weight very fast from one side to the other.
A goal is to be arrived at completely.
Takeshi's aids shoot their balls at everyone on the wobbly bridge
and dare themselves to elevate the fear in opposite directions.
This goes over as surly over at the flour sump.
But during the transition the direction of the rotation changes
as one who shifts their weight very fast from one side to the other.
The cat balls
Candidates begin at the same time in their shapeless cat balls.
They can hardly agitate themselves in their balls.
On a hill above them the cat-attendant of the prince stalks.
The candidates may move only when the cat-attendant says "spruce chin up"
and then turns to face away.
By the application of polymorpher rhythms and changing intonations,
the cat-master tries to confuse the balls.
Only at the end of a passage are they evacuated in the way
one who separates the hill from the paper clip is evacuated.
Candidates begin at the same time in their shapeless cat balls.
They can hardly agitate themselves in their balls.
On a hill above them the cat-attendant of the prince stalks.
The candidates may move only when the cat-attendant says "spruce chin up"
and then turns to face away.
By the application of polymorpher rhythms and changing intonations,
the cat-master tries to confuse the balls.
Only at the end of a passage are they evacuated in the way
one who separates the hill from the paper clip is evacuated.
That old baseball-fear
The candidates must balance into heavy, shapeless baseball leotards,
hung up like pendulums and poured into a ditch.
First it's relatively easy and small
but third it's a monster with a diameter of 1.40 meters.
The candidates must balance into heavy, shapeless baseball leotards,
hung up like pendulums and poured into a ditch.
First it's relatively easy and small
but third it's a monster with a diameter of 1.40 meters.
The slushy candidate
Michiru Jo shoots a football into air and the candidates must then catch him.
The candidates also must run over whomever is on the football field.
This is taken directly from Takeshi's wisdom number 2:
The only good slushy candidate is a dead slushy candidate.
Michiru Jo shoots a football into air and the candidates must then catch him.
The candidates also must run over whomever is on the football field.
This is taken directly from Takeshi's wisdom number 2:
The only good slushy candidate is a dead slushy candidate.
The game water course
You must drive the standing water down.
At the lower end of the firing travel is the right
and at the higher end of the firing travel is the left.
Somehow they are separated not only by true friendship
but also by a jump that succeeds only when
you drive the standing water down.
You must drive the standing water down.
At the lower end of the firing travel is the right
and at the higher end of the firing travel is the left.
Somehow they are separated not only by true friendship
but also by a jump that succeeds only when
you drive the standing water down.
The fly mushroom
The candidates must clasp themselves to a rotary fly mushroom
which leads her like an aerial rope-a-dope right across the lagoon.
Only in the water does one notice where one actually isn't.
The candidates must clasp themselves to a rotary fly mushroom
which leads her like an aerial rope-a-dope right across the lagoon.
Only in the water does one notice where one actually isn't.
The rock channel
Many large and small rock balls lie in two launch pads ready
and the defenders hesitate (not them!) to in-add.
Three alternate places provide small solace outside
but one must find punctuality inside
because, from its observation tower, Baby Jo,
the defendant's co-conspirator, has just turned the furnace
full-on charades, like Suge Knight Shaolin therapy.
Many large and small rock balls lie in two launch pads ready
and the defenders hesitate (not them!) to in-add.
Three alternate places provide small solace outside
but one must find punctuality inside
because, from its observation tower, Baby Jo,
the defendant's co-conspirator, has just turned the furnace
full-on charades, like Suge Knight Shaolin therapy.
The gate will be running
One can break through oneself
or however one runs up against it.
One can break through oneself
or however one runs up against it.
The carriage
The candidates must prove now that they can pronounce "Koerperbeherschung".
Who gives too much momentum gets land instead of water.
And who gets too little gas from Mr. Okada
can soil or fetch the facts by reason of the lake,
at least theoretically.
The candidates must prove now that they can pronounce "Koerperbeherschung".
Who gives too much momentum gets land instead of water.
And who gets too little gas from Mr. Okada
can soil or fetch the facts by reason of the lake,
at least theoretically.
The vulture play
A hare is brought into the vulture refuge.
Who it schaftts is not fogged.
As soon as the vulture rises into the air
it may be fired at by the defenders with balls.
The helmet comes with a gift of Pop & Corn.
A hare is brought into the vulture refuge.
Who it schaftts is not fogged.
As soon as the vulture rises into the air
it may be fired at by the defenders with balls.
The helmet comes with a gift of Pop & Corn.
The Bowlingspiel
With this play the candidates have bad maps
and also the still to pill.
The hobby sportsmen are put into oversize cones
and set up on a large Bowling-bahn. There's a drawing and
whoever draws the ASS stands completely in front.
With this play the candidates have bad maps
and also the still to pill.
The hobby sportsmen are put into oversize cones
and set up on a large Bowling-bahn. There's a drawing and
whoever draws the ASS stands completely in front.
The labyrinth
One of the golden rules in the labyrinth is do not only run in disorder.
One of the golden rules in the labyrinth is do not only run in disorder.
The Tarzanspiel
Those who provoke must rock at a rope on an old trunk swing.
Who lands in the water, separates.
Whoever crashes the landing has on the feet to remain heavy.
Ishikura's soap pot provided for it.
Those who provoke must rock at a rope on an old trunk swing.
Who lands in the water, separates.
Whoever crashes the landing has on the feet to remain heavy.
Ishikura's soap pot provided for it.
It was once a vole and lived for thousands of years
in the cool north German lowlands's.
And if there is a region the not-straight can sun-delicate
it's this one! Had people picked apart their strange-seeming customs
like "fischkopp" - one may call it fish-cut back ate day -
they would only have potatoes reversing perestaltik until daylight came.
It was once a vole and lived for thousands of years
in the cool north German lowlands's.
And if there is a region the not-straight can sun-delicate
it's this one! Had people picked apart their strange-seeming customs
like "fischkopp" - one may call it fish-cut back ate day -
they would only have potatoes reversing perestaltik until daylight came.
The border barrier
The first obstacle the challengers are set against
is four meters high and in-soaped by Ishikura.
The border barrier seems like a steep, slippery bevel
before we all get wet in the second stage.
Above all else a barrier is different than a long time rope
which is fastened to whoever creates it.
And whoever creates it won't be able to reach it
and they've already half won.
They're the back masters,
a bit that approaches the baking freshness of lowland rolls.
The first obstacle the challengers are set against
is four meters high and in-soaped by Ishikura.
The border barrier seems like a steep, slippery bevel
before we all get wet in the second stage.
Above all else a barrier is different than a long time rope
which is fastened to whoever creates it.
And whoever creates it won't be able to reach it
and they've already half won.
They're the back masters,
a bit that approaches the baking freshness of lowland rolls.
The Schlammenlock
The candidates must buy a Reese's Pieces
and schlammenlock it. Thus the prince saves the cost of maintenance
and of servicing the border barrier.
All around the candidates from top to bottom, correctly to incorrectly,
the schlammenlock is always enough.
Important is to become one with the time limit.
Who did not create it owns it up to the abpfiff, so says all of us.
The candidates must buy a Reese's Pieces
and schlammenlock it. Thus the prince saves the cost of maintenance
and of servicing the border barrier.
All around the candidates from top to bottom, correctly to incorrectly,
the schlammenlock is always enough.
Important is to become one with the time limit.
Who did not create it owns it up to the abpfiff, so says all of us.
The grenzmauer
Two and a half meters high, sanskrit wall.
Loosen your ticket as if it were here.
Travel the steep rock slope back.
Materials and sportsmen are equally demanded.
Two and a half meters high, sanskrit wall.
Loosen your ticket as if it were here.
Travel the steep rock slope back.
Materials and sportsmen are equally demanded.
Today it will have themselves to withstand the penetration LINE,
as it tries its castle to storm. Its opponent is a general
who finds daily life full of free willy
and who want to conquer the castle with it.
Their largest fun is it to make the general's life difficult.
Today it will have themselves to withstand the penetration LINE,
as it tries its castle to storm. Its opponent is a general
who finds daily life full of free willy
and who want to conquer the castle with it.
Their largest fun is it to make the general's life difficult.
Tani's Team
The general, a popular speaker and beautiful spirit
brings the hobby of sportsman with probably set-words
into the correct tendency and order.
Today there are again over 100 courageous sportsmen
and they want to conquer Takeshi's castle.
But much more than one handful will not get the prince to face.
The general, a popular speaker and beautiful spirit
brings the hobby of sportsman with probably set-words
into the correct tendency and order.
Today there are again over 100 courageous sportsmen
and they want to conquer Takeshi's castle.
But much more than one handful will not get the prince to face.
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